The new NHS operating framework has been published today and it sets priorities on a number of mental health issues.
The Department of Health press release says:
The operating framework describes the national priorities, system levers and enablers needed for NHS organisations to maintain and improve the quality of services provided, while delivering transformational change and maintaining financial stability.
It’s good to see the parity between physical health and mental health in the framework; building on the mental health outcomes strategy, No Health Without Mental Health.
Mental health topics covered in the framework include:
- Dementia and the care of older people
- Carers
- Military and veterans’ health
- Access to psychological therapies
- The physical healthcare of those with mental illness
- Offender health
- Targeted support for child and young people
The Operating Framework for the NHS in England 2012/13 (PDF). Department of Health, 24 Nov 2011.
Received this today by email, thought would be of current interest.
The Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework (ASCOF), launched in March 2011, is a set of measures collected nationally which articulates the outcomes which matter most to people who use social care in England, and enables meaningful benchmarking between local authorities. The ASCOF Handbook of Definitions sets out the technical detail of each measure in the Framework, to promote consistent reporting and interpretation of the measures. An updated edition of the Handbook, which supersedes the July 2011 edition, was published on 23 November 2011.
The NHS Confederation Mental Health Network have published a nice summary of the key points from the NHS Operating Framework:
The Mental Elf