The government has published the mental health implementation framework, which sets out what organisations can do to make the 6 high-level objectives of the mental health strategy No Health without Mental Health a reality.
The 6 objectives of the strategy are that:
- More people will have good mental health
- More people with mental health problems will recover
- More people with mental health problems will have good physical health
- More people will have a positive experience of care and support
- Fewer people will suffer avoidable harm
- Fewer people will experience stigma and discrimination
The framework has been coproduced with the Centre for Mental Health, Mind, the NHS Confederation Mental Health Network, Rethink Mental Illness and Turning Point. It highlights useful guidance and sources of information to help local organisations use their existing powers and resources to improve mental health and wellbeing.
The mental health implementation framework sets out what employers, schools, businesses, local authorities, housing organisations, voluntary groups and health and care organisations can do to promote good mental health, whether it’s clinical commissioning groups appointing mental health leads, schools developing awareness programmes to help staff recognise pupils at risk, or employers supporting the mental health of their workforce.
The NHS Confederation Mental Health Network has produced a briefing that provides an overview of the implementation framework, focusing on those areas that are most relevant to providers of NHS mental health services.
No Health Without Mental Health – Implementation Framework (PDF). Department of Health, 24 Jul 2012.
Impact Assessment supplementary note (PDF). Department of Health, 24 Jul 2012.
No Health Without Mental Health: implementation framework (PDF). NHS Confederation, 24 Jul 2012.
No health without mental health: a cross-government mental health outcomes strategy for people of all ages (PDF). Department of Health, 25 Jul 2011.