Results: 76

For: observational study

Study finds antipsychotics to be safe in relation to metabolic adverse effects for people with learning disabilities

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Antipsychotics are frequently used in the treatment of people with learning disabilities, but little is published in the literature concerning their metabolic and endocrine side-effects. The researchers in this observational study set out to compare indices of obesity, glucose, lipids and prolactin between 138 people with learning disabilities who were treated with antipsychotic medications and [read the full story…]

Anti-dementia drugs may help delay people’s admission to care homes: findings from observational study

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Prescribing anti-dementia drugs to patients could help delay their admission to care homes, according to a new study published in the October issue of The Psychiatrist. Psychiatrists Dr Emad Salib and Dr Jessica Thompson studied a total of 339 people with dementia, who were referred to psychiatric services in Peasley Cross Hospital in St Helens [read the full story…]

Drinking coffee may help prevent depression

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It seems that every week there is a new story about coffee in the press. They range from knee-jerk health warnings to studies that show decreased risk of suicide among coffee drinkers. It’s hard to know what to believe. Existing research has focused mainly on the effects of caffeine on cardiovascular disease (generally finding no [read the full story…]

SSRI antidepressants increase the risk of major abnormalities in pregnancy

This huge review suggests that there are several effective treatment choices for generalised anxiety disorder across classes of medication.

A large observational study from Finland has found that women who drink alcohol and take selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressives (SSRI) during the first trimester of pregnancy significantly increase their risk for foetal alcohol spectrum disorders.  The study also found an increase in risk for some major congenital malformations associated with the use of SSRIs during the first [read the full story…]

Lithium is a better treatment for bipolar disorder than valproate

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Valproate is widely used as a mood stabiliser for people with bipolar disorder, despite the fact that there is very little evidence that shows the effectiveness of this treatment. This observational cohort study looked at over 4,000 bipolar patients in Denmark who were treated with lithium or valproate from 1995 to 2006. The results favoured [read the full story…]

Study findings challenge view that children with Down syndrome lack motivation.


This study looked at 33 children with Down syndrome aged between 10–15 years along with a group of 33 typically developing 3–8 year-old children. The study authors measured motivation through observational assessments of curiosity, preference for challenge, and persistence, and also took reports from the children’s mothers. They found no significant group differences on motivation tasks. [read the full story…]