Results: 177

For: literature review

Open Dialogue: what’s the evidence?


Sameer Jauhar and colleagues critically assess the evidence for Open Dialogue, presented in a recent narrative review of quantitative and qualitative studies, which finds that most current studies are highly biased and of low quality, and there is an absence of clear data on effectiveness.

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How can psychedelics treat mental illness? #PsilocybinMedicine


Catherine Bird writes her debut elf blog on a recent opinion review by Robin Carhart-Harris entitled: How do psychedelics work?

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Medical cannabis for mental illness: current use is not supported by research #MHQT


As we prepare for our Cannabis #MHQT event on Wed 26 Sep, Luke Sheridan Rains dissects a narrative review that asks: Is cannabis treatment for anxiety, mood, and related disorders ready for prime time?

His answer is that current evidence does not support the use of medical cannabis for mental illnesses such as anxiety or depression.

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The transdiagnostic approach to anxiety: the case is made (again!) #TransDX2018


Warren Mansell considers a review by Peter Norton and Daniel Paulus on the theoretical and empirical underpinnings of transdiagnostic models of anxiety disorder.

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Peer influence and risk taking behaviour during adolescence


Emily Stapley explores a recent article by Sarah-Jayne Blakemore on avoiding social risk in adolescence, which argues that the social risk of being rejected by peers outweighs other potentially negative outcomes of decisions.

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The case for social-emotional competence: essential skills for school and life? #MHED2018


Michael Wigelsworth summarises a review by Celene Domitrovich on social-emotional competence, which she describes as an essential factor in promoting positive adjustment and reducing risk in children.

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Cyberbullying research: what do we really know? #MHED2018


Neil Humphrey kicks off #MHED2018 week here on the Mental Elf with a blog exploring some of the problems with cyberbullying research.

We’ll be blogging about youth mental health research all week and live tweeting from #MHED2018 on Thursday and Friday.

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Sexual function matters to people living with serious mental illness


Rudiger Pittrof and Elana Covshoff from SHRINE (Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights, Inclusion and Empowerment) explore a recent review, which looks at the impact of severe mental disorders and psychotropic medications on sexual health and its implications for clinical management.

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Chemsex: just dance or bad romance?


Dean Connolly presents the findings of a recent literature review on chemsex, which explores sexualised drug use in UK men who have sex with men.

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Preventing mental health problems: what can we do?


Josefien Breedvelt explores a brand new review looking at preventive strategies for mental health problems, published yesterday in The Lancet Psychiatry.

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