Results: 177

For: literature review

Empirical research to underpin developments in adult safeguarding still limited according to review


Local authorities have the responsibility for the organisation of adult safeguarding in England.

Here Ruth Northway looks at a literature review of the organisation of adult safeguarding services which set out to look at the characteristics of safeguarding practice.

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Is electrical stimulation effective for pain relief in OA knee?

anterior knee pain

Are you standing comfortably? It’s time for Tracey Howe to tell us about the efficacy of different electrical stimulation therapies on pain relief of patients with knee osteoarthritis.

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Cartilage failures. Systematic literature review, critical survey analysis, and definition


Lesley Dawson highlights a recent study that analysed how failures are defined in cartilage surgery and how survival rates may change according to different definitions.

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What does evidence say for Making Safeguarding Personal?


In her blog, Lindsey Pike of RiPfA examines a literature review on adult safeguarding in Britain and considers the implications for Care Act implementation.

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Return to work practices for musculoskeletal and mental health conditions


Heather Gray summarises a review of best practice in work absence management and return to work programmes for people with musculoskeletal and mental health conditions.

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Social determinants of mental health: how our societies are making us mentally unwell and what we can do about it


Mark Horowitz summarises the new WHO and UCL Institute of Health Equity (Michael Marmot) report and research paper on social determinants of mental health. He concludes that it’s time to focus on the root causes of mental distress, namely poverty, unemployment, poor education and social isolation.

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Cognitive impairment in dementia need not prevent shared decision making


In her first blog for the Social Care Elf, Caroline Struthers looks at research on cognitive impairment and shared decision making for people with dementia and offers useful tips on understanding research reviews. She also shares some of her own personal experience of the research topic and reminds us about reliable evidence having real-life applications.

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Experiences of the osteoarthritis GP consultation, attitudes and beliefs to OA


Do GPs tell people that osteoarthritis or ‘wear and tear’ is a normal part of ageing and nothing can be done? This recent narrative review sought to find out.

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