Results: 168

For: guideline

Autism Evidence Update from NICE published


It is not clear exactly what the prevalence of autism is amongst the population of adults with learning disabilities. Estimates vary amongst published studies and a recent review carried out by the team at Improving Health and Lives  looked at a range of studies that attempted to estimate the prevalence of autism among community-based or [read the full story…]

NICE evidence update: Interventions to reduce substance misuse among vulnerable young people


The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) have recently searched for any new evidence that may be relevant to a public health guideline published in 2007; ‘Interventions to reduce substance misuse among vulnerable young people’. In this blog I summarise the new evidence that has emerged and highlight whether or not it is likely [read the full story…]

Quality standards aim to improve clinical ophthalmology services to people with learning disabilities

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People with learning disabilities are 10 times more likely to have serious sight problems than other people and if people have severe or profound learning disabilities, the likelihood of having sight problems is further increased. The difficulties are compounded of course when people may not know they have a problem and may not be able [read the full story…]

New guidance on restrictive physical interventions published by Dept of Health


The use of restrictive interventions should always be as a ‘last resort’ and always in the context of a clear and agreed individualised plan of support. However, the events at Winterbourne View suggested that not only was this not always the case, but that in fact these approaches were sometimes being used to humiliate or [read the full story…]

Antibiotic prophylaxis in surgery – SIGN Guideline 104


The Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network  (SIGN) has just launched their updated guideline on antibiotic prophylaxis in surgery.  SIGN’s first guideline of this topic (SIGN 45)  was published in 2000 and updated in 2008.  The guideline does not aim to provide every surgical speciality with a comprehensive text on preventing  surgical site infection (SSI), but rather [read the full story…]

Recommendations for commissioning quality weight management services

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This guidance has been published and should be read alongside the Commissioning Policy A05 Complex and Specialised Obesity Surgery Services of the NHS Commissioning Board April 2013. It has been sponsored by the British Obesity and Metabolic Surgery Society, and is supported by a number of relevant professional bodies, including the Association of UK Dietitians [read the full story…]

Dental Interventions to prevent caries in children – SIGN Guideline 138

Photograph of carious teeth

The Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) have just launched a new guideline on caries prevention in children.  The guideline replaces two existing guidelines; SIGN 47 on preventing dental caries in children at high caries risk and SIGN 83 on prevention and management of dental decay in the pre-school child.  The guideline was developed using SIGN [read the full story…]

Draft guideline on sugar intake for adults and children from WHO – open for consultation

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Back in December we highlighted a review by Moynihan and Kelly (Dental Elf – 12th Dec 2013) on the relationship between caries and sugars that was commissioned to inform the development of updated WHO recommendations on sugar.  Another review of the relationship between sugar and body weight by  Te Morenga et al  was also undertaken [read the full story…]

Psychosis and schizophrenia in adults: updated NICE guidance for 2014


While the organisation’s name may change frequently, currently National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), its role remains constant – to provide clear published guidance on the role of treatment options within the NHS. The publication of new NICE guidance represents a significant event as clinical recommendations shape the nature of provided care nationally [read the full story…]

New NICE guidance recommends that all NHS hospitals and clinics become completely smoke-free


Over 40% of all cigarettes smoked in England are smoked by people with severe mental illnesses. This group are more likely to become physically ill than the rest of the population, but they are less likely to be given help to quit. Smoking is especially common among people with mental health problems: whilst 1 in [read the full story…]