Results: 122

For: cross-sectional

Polypharmacy for major depression: is practice evidence-based?


Jessica Bone reports on a recent cross-sectional study that looks at the clinical correlates of augmentation/combination treatment strategies in major depressive disorder.

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Cyberbullying: comparatively rare, not especially damaging or pernicious


Shirley Reynolds reports on a recent population-based cross-sectional study that surveyed 1 in 5 of all 15 year olds in England, to ask them about bullying, cyberbullying and adolescent well-being.

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Mental health expenditure associated with higher quality care and better service user experience


Kwame McKensie publishes his debut Mental Elf blog on a recent cross-sectional study, which explores the relationship between national mental health expenditure and quality of care in longer-term psychiatric and social care facilities in Europe.

This is the fourth in a new series of Mental Elf blogs produced in partnership with the British Journal of Psychiatry.

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Tobacco smoking, cognition and first episode psychosis: time for a rethink?


Marcus Munafo appraises a recent cross sectional study of tobacco smoking and its association with cognition in first episode psychosis patients.

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A crisis map: charting the topography of home treatment


Derek Tracy and Lisa Lloyd look back over the last 17 years of mental health crisis care and consider the findings of a new survey of Crisis Resolution Teams in England.

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Is there still a digital divide in mental health?


Lisa Marzano writes her debut elf blog on a recent cross-sectional survey of Internet use in people with psychosis and depression, which explores the extent of the digital divide in mental health.

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Extremism and mental health: is there a link?


Vishal Bhavsar considers the findings of a cross sectional survey of over 3,500 men, which measured the prevalence of extremist attitudes in the general population and any associations with mental illness.

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Trauma and psychotic symptoms: clear association, but do we really understand why?


#UCLJournalClub students worked collaboratively on this blog, which appraises and summarises a recent cross sectional study looking at the psychological mechanisms that mediate effects between trauma and psychotic symptoms.

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Migrant mental health may improve with children’s educational success


John Moriarty’s debut blog investigates a recent cross-sectional study looking at whether the mental health of migrant parents is supported by the educational achievements of their children.

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The side-effects of antipsychotics: let’s systematically assess, discuss and act! #NPNR2016


A live blog published at the 22nd International Network for Psychiatric Nursing Research conference in Nottingham.

Written by John Baker, Lucy Brazener, Wendy Cross, Vanessa Garrity, Andrew Grundy, Cher Hallett, Ben Hannigan, Elaine Hanzak and Alan Simpson.

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