Results: 122

For: cross-sectional

Towards a symptom-based diagnosis of psychotic spectrum disorders?


Stefanie Sturm critically analyses a recent paper that suggests a symptom-based continuum of psychosis explains cognitive and real-world functional deficits better than traditional diagnoses.

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“It doesn’t mean they aren’t after you”: sexual minorities and paranoia


Sarah Carr explores a recent cross-sectional study on sexual minority status and symptoms of psychosis, which looks at the role of bullying, discrimination, social support and drug use.

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Younger mums may be at higher risk of mental health problems #ESMI


Jennifer Burgess summarises the results of a small cross-sectional study of young pregnant women at risk of mental disorders, which found that young women had greater odds of having a common mental disorder and CMDs were associated with living alone and abuse.

Follow #ESMI today on Twitter for all of the updates from the ESMI study day (Effectiveness of Services for Mothers with Mental Illness).

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Loneliness and sedentary behaviour: time to take a stand?


Tim Matthews, Molly Bird and Hannah Cocker mark #LonelinessAwarenessWeek with a blog looking at recent research into loneliness and sedentary behaviours in 12-15 year old children.

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Cognitive biases in adolescent depression: the more you have, the worse you feel


Maria Loades explores a cross-sectional study of the combined influence of cognitions in adolescent depression, which investigates biases of interpretation, self-evaluation and memory, and concludes that a negative evaluation of the self is strongly associated with depression severity and with a diagnosis of depression.

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Decision-making capacity of inpatients with schizophrenia: don’t assume people are incapable


Mental Health Masters Students from UCL summarise a recent cross-sectional study on the association of decision-making capacity for treatment and research in inpatients with schizophrenia and related psychoses.

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Burnout and consultants’ retirement plans


John Moriarty and colleagues review a UK cross-sectional study of NHS consultants, which looks at psychosocial work characteristics, burnout, psychological morbidity symptoms and early retirement.

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Whose Safety is it Anyway? Service user and carer involvement in mental health care safety #MHNR2018


Alison Faulkner takes a recent study as the starting point for an exploration of mental health care safety, service user and carer involvement, raising concerns, risk, harm, power, relationships and much more.

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Social media: good and bad experiences and the impact on depression


Sarah Hetrick publishes her debut blog on a recent US cross-sectional study that looks at the association between positive and negative social media experiences and symptoms of depression.

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The US opioid crisis: quantifying the impact

Prescription opioids

Emma Wincup examines a recent US cross-sectional study that measures the burden of opioid-related mortality in the United States, which suggests that opioids (prescribed and illicit) could kill nearly half a million people across America over the next decade.

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