Results: 122

For: cross-sectional

First-hand experiences of taking antipsychotics: findings from a large online survey


Georgie Buswell summarises a cross-sectional study, which used open questions to try and understand people’s lived experiences of taking antipsychotic drugs.

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Mood changes during art workshops: what can they teach us?


Lorna Collins reviews a novel study which uses an experience sampling method to track momentary wellbeing over the course of an arts on prescription scheme, to predict changes in global wellbeing for people with anxiety and depression.

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Therapeutic alliance important to help people at risk of suicide


Charlotte Huggett summarises a naturalistic outpatient study which explores the impact that therapeutic alliance and negative responses from clinicians can have on suicidal ideation in people in therapy.

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Masculinity, depression and suicide risk in men with a history of childhood maltreatment


In her debut blog, Cara Richardson explores whether masculine values are differentially linked to men’s mental health functioning, depending on exposure to childhood maltreatment.

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Social media use and disordered eating: Australian study finds a link in young teenagers


Francesca Bentivegna reviews a recent Australian study which finds a significant association between social media use and disordered eating in young adolescents.

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Transgender discrimination and stigma: links to anxiety and depression


Emily Day summarises a recent study exploring the effects that transgender discrimination and stigma can have on the mental health of trans people, and what strategies individuals use to cope.

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How has the coronavirus pandemic influenced rates of depressive symptoms in pregnant women?


Lucy Purnell summarises a recent cross-sectional study from China, which explores perinatal depression in women during the 2019 coronavirus pandemic.

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Passive sedentary behaviours increase the risk of depression in adults


Susie Rudge highlights a recent paper in the British Journal of Psychiatry which suggests that people with depression should be encouraged to replace passive sedentary behaviours with mentally active ones for the best possible chance of symptom improvement.

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Self-disgust, loneliness and depression: what’s the link?


Joseph Lam and Syeda Akther review a recent study that investigated the links between self-disgust, loneliness and depression, and the mediating role of emotion regulation.

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Sex and schizophrenia: what determines sexual interest and confidence?


In her debut blog, Beccy White summarises a secondary analysis which explored predictors of sexual interest amongst older adults with schizophrenia.

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