Results: 122

For: cross-sectional

Where I lay my head is home: residential instability and earlier onset of psychosis

skyline of houses in oxford, UK

Liana Romaniuk summarises a recent US cross-sectional study which suggests that residential instability (moving home a lot) may lead to disrupted social networks and relationships, predisposing vulnerable youth to greater stress, which can increase their risk of psychosis.

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Multiracial young adults at higher risk of mental illness compared to their monoracial counterparts, according to US university research

Metaphor bipolar disorder mind mental. Double face. Split personality. Concept mood disorder. 2 Head silhouette.Psychology. Mental health. Dual personality concept. Tangle and untangle

Andie Ashdown summarises a cross-sectional study exploring mental health disparities between multiracial and monoracial young people in the United States.

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What’s the relationship between occupational physical activity, workplace stress and depression?


In her debut blog, Olga Lainidi summarises a study of Brazilian workers, which finds that occupational physical activity is linked to both workplace stress and depression.

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Suicide risk among LGBTQ+ adolescents in Canada


Jess Williams examines a nationally representative population-based study on suicidality among sexual minority and transgender adolescents in Canada.

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Trans and gender diverse youth more likely to be admitted to hospital for suicidality and self-harm, according to US study


Sarah Carr reflects on a recent US study that “perhaps tells us something deeper about the discrimination and stigmatisation in mental health that needs to be tackled.”

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Unprecedented times: pregnancy and mental health in the era of COVID-19


Siobhan D’Almeida explores a recent paper which finds that pregnant individuals experienced high levels of anxiety and depression during COVID-19.

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Temptation can be strong: how can we resist alcohol?

Thinking Man

Ian Hamilton summarises a survey of British people, which focuses on the self-reported strategies we use to cut down drinking, reduce alcohol consumption, and usual drinking frequency.

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Common mental health inequalities across racialised groups: the gaps are getting bigger


Lucy Barrass reviews a study on the prevalence of common mental disorders and treatment receipt for people from ethnic minority backgrounds in England.

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Intimate partner violence, suicide and self-harm: uncovering the links

Double exposure black and white portrait of a woman covering her face and eyes with her hands

Piumee Bandara summarises a cross-sectional study which finds that people who had experienced lifetime intimate partner violence (IPV) were almost three times more likely to have made a suicide attempt in the past year, compared to people without experience of IPV.

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