Results: 335

For: cohort study

Psychosocial therapy effective in reducing self-harm, suicide and all-cause death

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Elly O’Brien summarises a large Danish cohort study, which investigates the short-term and long-term effects of psychosocial therapy for people after deliberate self-harm.

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Why multi-agency working, not accommodation type, is the key to better outcomes for people with epilepsy

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Around half of all people with a learning disability have epilepsy and there are significant concerns about the impact of non-compliance with prescribed medications, which is linked with increased morbidity.

In her debut blog, Jill Hughes reflects on a study which set out to see if there was a link between the living arrangements of people with learning disabilities and compliance with anti-epileptic medication regimes.

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Peer-led self-management for mental health: impressive programme, not so sure about the research


Lucy Simons and Chris Sampson appraise a recent evaluation of peer-led self-management training for people with severe mental illness.

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Do we stigmatise mental illness more as we age?


Raluca Lucacel writes her debut blog about an age-period-cohort analysis, which investigates how attitudes towards people with mental illness worsen during the course of life.

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Bridging The Health Gap. An incentivised Scheme for Primary Care GP’s

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People with learning disabilities experience health inequalities compared to the general population, compounded by the number of health related problems thye may have related to having a learning disability.

Here, in her debut blog, Tara Quinn-Cirillo adds her reflections to an assessment of this incentivised scheme.

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New evidence on the effects of plain cigarette packaging in Australia

Plain packaging was brought in by the Australian government in 2012

Olivia Maynard considers the implications of a host of new plain packaging research papers published last week in Tobacco Control. He blog focuses on a cohort study that looks at short-term changes in quitting-related cognitions and behaviours after the implementation of plain cigarette packaging with larger health warnings in Australia.

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Orthodontic treatment: does it impact on quality of life?


A 3-year school-based cohort study found that oral health related quality of life improved in young people over time whether or not they had undergone orthodontic treatment.

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Prescribing antipsychotics in primary care: new study highlights frequent off-label use


Josephine Neale reports on a recent cohort study that finds less than half of UK prescriptions for antipsychotics are issued for main licensed conditions (e.g. psychosis or bipolar disorder). The research provides a reminder about the dangers of prescribing antipsychotics to people with dementia.

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