This is a summary of a report called Knowledge exchange in health-care commissioning, published by the National Institute for Health Research.
[read the full story...]Results: 52
For: case studyReducing specialist inpatient beds for people with learning disabilities: some issues explored
Transforming Care, the government’s response to WInterbourne view, set some clear targets for the development of community services and the reduction on specialist inpatient bed numbers.
Here Alix Dixon looks at a paper, which used some illustrative case examples to explore some of the policy and practice issues around these targets.
[read the full story...]Organisational co-production and social prescribing for dementia
Mike Clark considers some of the challenges of organisational co-production revealed by a study on social prescribing for people living with dementia.
[read the full story...]Epidemiological tools help commissioners allocate resources more effectively, suggests research
Caroline De Brun highlights the Psymaptic epidemiological prediction tool, which helps commissioners make evidence-based decisions about mental health service provision, specifically early intervention in psychosis.
[read the full story...]Trajectory of dementia: is it different for people with Down syndrome?
Down syndrome is the most common cause of learning disability in the UK and increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s dementia is well documented.
In her debut blog, Silvana Mengoni looks at a paper which uses three case studies to consider some interesting trajectories of dementia which raise some interesting questions.
[read the full story...]‘Beat the cheat’: disability welfare benefits and newspaper reporting
Gerry Bennison offers food for thought in his blog on research into how disability welfare has been characterised in popular UK tabloid articles.
[read the full story...]Innovation case studies point to a co-productive approach acknowledging risk taking and organisational development
Alison Turner summarises a new digital report from the King’s Fund, which features a range of case studies highlighting how innovations have improved patient care and experience.
[read the full story...]Behavioural approach helps woman with mild learning disability overcome low mood and anxiety
We have posted a number of times on this site about approaches to adapting cognitive behavioural therapy to work with people with learning disabilities. Most recently, a team from University College published a series of documents representing a ‘manualised’ cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) treatment. The authors of this case study however set out to look [read the full story…]
Involve service users in design and delivery of services for better outcomes, advises new report
This new report, from National Voices and Think Local Act Personal, considers what matters most to mental health service users in terms of their experience and outcomes. The report accompanies an earlier publication which considers evidence from research and consultations on what patients and service users want and expect from support which is person-centred and coordinated. “No [read the full story…]
“We must all work together in the interests of patients” says the NHS Commissioning Assembly
This comprehensive resource has been written for all the organisations involved in delivering quality services, in particular commissioners and local authorities, who “are responsible for commissioning social care services for adults and children.” The document starts off by explaining what the NHS means by quality, looking at three dimensions, as defined by Lord Ara Darzi [read the full story…]