The incidence reported in the literature ranges from 0.4-8.4%third molars and in some instances the damage can be permanent. The aim of this case-control study was to investigate the specific risk factors for neurosensory deficits of inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) after third molar extraction. The cases consisted of patients showing neurosensory deficits of the lower [read the full story…]
Periodontal disease has been linked with a number of general health conditions and we recently covered the review which noted that the evidence does not support an association between periodontal disease and atherosclerotic vascular disease. This multicentre case control study is the latest published study to look at the link between periodontal disease and pre-eclampsia. [read the full story…]
There have been a number of stories in the press regarding the recent paper by Claus et al on dental X-rays and meningiomas. Meningiomas are mostly benign tumours which arise from the dura mater and are usually slow-growing. They are the most common benign brain tumour although relatively uncommon with an incidence of around 6 [read the full story…]
Alveolar osteitis or dry socket is a common and painful complication of tooth extraction, occurring following about 5% of all tooth extractions. The aetiology of this complication is unclear and it has been associated with a wide range of risk factors. the aim of this study was to assess the relation between 8 risk factors [read the full story…]
The authors of this study set out to investigate the influence of epilepsy on the development of psychiatric disorders in adults with learning disabilities. The researchers measured psychiatric symptoms a year among two groups – 45 adults with learning disabilities who had active epilepsy and 45 without epilepsy. Both groups were carefully matched on level [read the full story…]
This study was a nested case-control study within the Oslo Study, (a cohort study of the prevention and epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases). The aim was to explore whether dental extractions are associated with myocardial infarction (MI). The sample consisted of men with a self-reported history of MI as cases (n = 548) and controls (n [read the full story…]