This new critical summary from the ADA-Center for Evidence Based Dentistry looks at a 2010 review from Mickenautsch et al. The aim of that review was to compare the pulpal responses to resin-modified glass ionomer cement (RM-GIC) and calcium hydroxide when placed in deep cavities. The review only included six trials (one randomized and five [read the full story…]
This critical summary from the American Dental Association – Evidence-based Center (ADA-EBD) looks at a 2010 systematic review from Atieh et al. The aim of the review was to assess whether platform switching (the placement of a smaller diameter prosthetic component on a larger diameter implant fixture) improved survival rate and bone loss. The commentator [read the full story…]
The subjective sensation of dry mouth or xerostomia is a common symptom and estimates of the prevalence vary from 10-50%. The Cochrane Collaboration published systematic of topical treatments for reducing the effects of dry mouth in 2011(Furness et al). Recently the American Dental Association’s Evidence-based Dentistry Center have published a critical summary of this review [read the full story…]
A new critical summary of a 2010 systematic review by Al-Amleh et al on zirconium use in dentistry is now available from the ADA Centre for evidence based dentistry. The summariser notes that three types of zirconium ceramics are currently used in dentistry. The original review’s aim was evaluate these restorations in relation to framework [read the full story…]
Powered toothbrushes (PTB) have been available since the 1960s and Cochrane reviews have shown that powered toothbrushes with a rotation oscillation action reduce plaque and gingivitis more than manual toothbrushing (MTB). The main focus of these review has been their effectiveness rather than the safety of these brushes. Van der Weijden et al undertook a [read the full story…]
Dentine hypersensitivity is a troublesome condition that results in sharp sudden burst of pain in response to thermal stimuli such as hot or cold foods, but may also arise from tactile stimuli such as use of a toothbrush. Prevalence of the condition has been reported as high as 74% in some studies. This 2011 review [read the full story…]
Dental implants are now widely used to replace missing teeth and periodontal disease is an important cause of tooth loss. As implants themselves can suffer from peri-implantitis it is therefore of interest to as to whether patients with a history of periodontitis are of higher risk of implant failure. This critical appraisal of a 2010 [read the full story…]
In 2010 Berchier et al reviewed the efficacy of two different concentrations of chlorhexidine mouthrinse ( 0.2 & 0.12% ). A critical appraisal of this review is now available on the American Dental Associations Evidence-based Dentistry website. The commentator notes that a comprehensive search strategy was used although restricted to the English language. Eight studies [read the full story…]
This 2009 review by Hinckfuss & Messer regarding the timing of pulp extirpation following the replantation of avulsed teeth has just been critically appraised under the auspicies of the American Dental Associations Centre for Evidence-based Dentistry. The commentator highlights some methodological issues with the conduct of the review and the heterogeneity of the available evidence [read the full story…]
We originally highlighted this review by Terezakis E et al at the end of last year, but the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD) at the University of York has just completed a more in-depth appraisal of the review. The CRD summary says:- The authors found that oral health appeared to deteriorate during hospitalisation, especially [read the full story…]