The ADA-EBD Center has just published another of its critical summaries of systematic reviews. This one looks at a 2012 review by Sgolastra et al, which was looking at the efficacy of the Er:YAG laser when used as an alternative treatment to scaling and root planing (SRP) in the treatment of patients with chronic periodontitis?
The appraiser considered the reviews methodology to be robust, although the overall findings need to be tempered by the fact that only 5 studies with a total of 105 patients were included. In addition 3 of the 5 studies were considered to be at high risk of bias. Overall the available evidence did not support the superiority of the Er:YAG laser over mechanical SRP in the treatment of chronic periodontal disease.
Sgolastra F, Petrucci A, Gatto R, Monaco A. Efficacy of Er:YAG laser in the treatment of chronic periodontitis: systematic review and meta-analysis. Lasers Med Sci. 2012 May;27(3):661-73. doi: 10.1007/s10103-011-0928-8. Epub 2011 May 7. Review. PubMed PMID: 21553003.