Results: 5366

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Rethinking how we evaluate interventions that target the social determinants of mental health


Tessa Roberts and Laura Hemming critique a large umbrella review which explores the effectiveness of interventions on social determinants of mental health.

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Nature’s healing benefits: breaking down barriers for South Asian communities in the UK

A sign on a gate showing the way forward is no right of way and private land with a blue sky above

Jingni Ma considers a systematic review on the barriers that South Asian people living in the UK can face when trying to access natural green spaces, and the psychological benefits that nature can provide.

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Traumatic brain injury has long-lasting mental health effects, but we need more robust science


Lorna Collins considers an umbrella review of health outcomes following traumatic brain injury, which highlights significant evidence gaps in the field.

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Working on the edge: the therapeutic alliance in suicide prevention


Laura Melzer considers a qualitative review of client and therapist perspectives on the therapeutic alliance in the context of psychotherapy for suicidal feelings.

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Personal trauma is associated with secondary traumatic stress in mental health professionals


Linda Gask blogs a systematic review finding that personal trauma is linked to onset of secondary trauma in mental health professionals.

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Hormonal coil dosage and depression risk


Dr Rachel Reid-McCann discusses the latest research on dosage of levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (LNG-IUS) and the risk of depression. A well conducted study from Denmark “provides evidence of a dose-dependent association between LNG exposure and risk of subsequent depression across three dosages”.

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Home-based brain stimulation (tDCS) for depression: ready for widespread use?


Julian Mutz discusses the results of a new 10-week RCT assessing home-based brain stimulation for depression, which suggests that tDCS may be a safe, acceptable and efficacious treatment for moderate depression.

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Treatment of harmful gambling in the UK: new review highlights worrying lack of evidence

Developing evidence-based interventions for gambling-related harms would help improve the effectiveness of care across under-recognised populations. 

Clare Gerada and Ruby Wiltshire summarise a new scoping review of UK-based research on the treatment of harmful gambling, which finds a complete lack of high quality intervention studies to support decision making.

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“Dem sey mi mad”: Afro Caribbean Experiences of Psychosis


Hári Sewell explores Afro Caribbean men’s experiences of psychosis, social and migration difficulties, and challenges accessing mental health services in North America and the United Kingdom.

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The genetic relationship between ADHD and depression


Tim van der Es discusses a recent paper that investigates whether ADHD causally increases the risk of subsequent major depression diagnoses. The study findings underscore the need for effective treatment and assessment of ADHD and a requirement for a deeper understanding of the potential causal mechanisms linking ADHD and depression.

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