Results: 313

For: young adult

Experience of adolescent siblings of brothers with autism spectrum disorder explored


The authors of this qualitative study were interested in looking at the experiences of growing up with a brother or sister with an autism spectrum disorder from the perspective of their siblings. What they did was carry out a number of semi-structured interviews with 12 typically developing adolescents who had a brother with an autism [read the full story…]

Study found that periodontitis in early adulthood showed progressive acceleration with age, particularly in smokers


Periodontitis is a common problem with severe periodontitis being ranked as  the 6th most prevalent condition in the 2010 Global Burden of Disease study (Marcenes et al  2013).  The aim of this study by Thomson  et al was to describe changes in the occurrence of periodontal attachment loss (AL) , and to evaluate risk factors [read the full story…]

Commissioning a good child health service

Child with doctor

Introduction When a child becomes ill, the first clinician they meet is most likely to be their GP. This report is the result of a collaboration between the Royal College of General Practitioners, the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, the Royal College of Nursing, and the Department of Health to identify how to [read the full story…]

Comparison of juvenile offenders with and without learning disabilities shows differences in offence type


Previous studies have suggested that people with mild learning disability show a higher rate of offending when compared with peers without learning disability and that this rate is especially high in those aged under 18. High rates of learning disability have also been found in studies of young offenders in custody. In the U.S., one [read the full story…]

Cutting contraceptive and sexual health services may result in greater numbers of unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), according to report


  Introduction This report was written to identify the various consequences of reducing access to contraceptive and sexual health services in the UK, a resulting consequence of changes to commissioning in the UK. The implications are not just for short-term health care costs, but for medium and long-term financial aspects of all public sector departments, [read the full story…]

Similarities found in characteristics of juvenile offenders with and without learning disabilities

Individuals more likely to be arrested or taken to ED if living indpependently or with family

This study from the Netherlands looked at whether it is possible to determine differences in personal characteristics and functioning between juvenile offenders under mandatory treatment orders who had a measured IQ of less than 70, between 70 and 85 and over 85. The authors were hoping to offer advice and guidance on ways to better [read the full story…]

Mental health disorders in young people with learning disabilities still under-recognised and often untreated in clinical practice

How important is social support in preventing depression?

In 2002, the Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities produced a landmark report on the issue of mental health and emotional well-being in young people with learning disabilities ‘Count Us In’, which looked at ways of supporting young people to be emotionally strong, through education, support, friendships and advocacy. The report followed a year long [read the full story…]

New film aims to help people with learning disabilities understand court proceedings


As you know, we are committed here at the Learning Disabilities Elf to bringing you the evidence, what works, what doesn’t and to set it all in some context. We also though like to draw attention to resources and sources of help and advice around important issues. We have posted before about the findings of [read the full story…]

Peer guided exercise helps to improve fitness and social integration in adolescents with learning disabilities


We have posted elsewhere on this blog about the issue of overweight and obesity in people with learning disabilities, with the evidence about the extent of this problem building with every new study. The researchers in the study however, were looking at a particular approach to dealing with the issue through a programme of peer-guided [read the full story…]

Mothers of adolescents with learning disabilities confident in dealing with sexuality of offspring but express concerns

The recent focus on mindfulness should not be limited to the general population or a privileged few but accessible and relevant to parents of children with disability

Sexuality in adults with learning disabilities is a subject that has only relatively recently been tackled in the literature. The researchers in this study were interested in sexuality in adolescents, and wanted to look at the attitudes and behaviours of mothers of adolescents and consider whether or not the presence of learning disability might affect [read the full story…]