Results: 313

For: young adult

Hilotherapy improved levels of facial pain and oedema after maxillofacial surgery suggests review


5 studies were included in this review of hilotherapy. While the studies suggest that hilotherapy might provide patients with a significant reduction in postoperative facial pain and oedema, the quality of the studies is low.

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Risk factors for self-injurious behaviour in adolescents with ASD


Self-injurious behaviour can have significant consequences for individuals, their families and carers.

Here, Rachel Allen looks at a study, which focused in particular on adolescents, and considered that the severity of autism symptoms were related to the incidence of self injurious behaviour during adolescence.

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No link between SSRI use and violent crime in over 25s


Sarah McDonald considers the implications of a recent cohort study of SSRI use and violent crime, which suffered from the usual headline grabbing media coverage, so typical of research about young people, violence, crime, drugs and mental health.

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Are e-cigarettes a gateway to tobacco smoking in youth?


Matt Field sets the record straight by providing a thoughtful and measured appraisal of the recent US cohort study linking e-cigarette use in young people with progression to regular tobacco smoking.

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Social care for men with long term conditions: disability, masculinity and agency


Hannah Morgan examines a study on social care for disabled men living with long term conditions and discovers the importance of agency, choice and control.

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Dry socket prevention: eugenol dressing or chlorhexidine gel?


This trial compared eugenol dressing or chlorhexidine gel for dry socket prevention against no intervention. Both agents reduced the incidence of dry socket but the reduction was greater with eugenol.

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Orthodontic treatment: limited research on effectiveness of surgical interventions to accelerate treatment


This Cochrane review only identified 4 small short-term trials providing limited evidence for the effectiveness of surgical approaches to accelerate orthodontic treatment. Further research with longer follow up is needed to confirm any possible benefit.

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Lingual orthodontic retainers – a lack of evidence


This review focused on lingual orthodontic retention including 27 studies (9 RCTs; 6 prospective and 12 retrospective studies). However, the quality of evidence was low, providing little evidence for the best treatment protocols.

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Parents’ experience of transition: support and struggle


Hannah Morgan assesses a study on parents’ experience of support for transition to adulthood for children with Autistic Spectrum Conditions and finds that although they want to support their children, they themselves are not always supported by services.

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CBT for substance misuse in young people


Eleanor Kennedy summarises a Campbell systematic review of CBT for substance misuse in young people in outpatient treatment, which is inconclusive in terms of CBT being more or less effective than other therapies.

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