Results: 313

For: young adult

Partial edentulism: The effect of prosthetic treatments on oral health-related quality of life


23 studies were included in this review assessing the oral health-related quality of life (OHR- QoL ) of patients with partial edentulism after different dental prosthetic treatments. Both fixed tooth-supported and implant-supported dental prostheses improved OHR- QoL in the short and medium term.

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Social media: good and bad experiences and the impact on depression


Sarah Hetrick publishes her debut blog on a recent US cross-sectional study that looks at the association between positive and negative social media experiences and symptoms of depression.

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Vital pulp treatments in mature molars


4 different vital pulp treatments for deep caries management of mature permanent molars were tested in this stud .The findings suggest that these techniques could be used but other approaches are available.

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Caries risk assessment: Limited evidence for current models


This review of the effectiveness of Caries Risk Assessment (CRA) models included 32 studies providing limited evidence that CRA is effective for caries assessment and prediction.

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Orthodontic patients: Reminders improved oral hygiene and compliance

Recent research has shown how behavioural activation can be delivered via smartphones.

14 RCTs were included in this review of the effect of different reminders on oral hygiene and compliance in orthodontic patients. For most outcomes measured beneficial effects were seen in the patients receiving reminders.

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Oral lichen planus: Rate of malignant transformation


This review of the malignant transformation rate (TR) of oral lichen planus included 21 observational studies the majority of which were retrospective. The overall estimate of TR was 1.4%.

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Crown lengthening – Are outcomes stable?


This review to assess if surgical crown lengthening produces stable clinical outcomes only identified 5 small trials all at high risk of bias

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Oral potentially malignant disorders – how common are they?


This review of the prevalence of oral potentially malignant disorders included 22 observational studies providing a pooled estimate for prevalence of 4.47% (95% CI;2.43-7.08).

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Inhaling evidence about tobacco and psychosis


Ian Hamilton explores a recent Finnish study of adolescent tobacco smoking and the risk of psychosis, which found that young people aged 15-16 who smoked more than 10 cigarettes a day were three times more likely to have psychosis by the time they reached age 30.

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Does self-harm in young people increase the risk of subsequent suicide?


Pooky Knightsmith picks apart a recent Swedish cohort study, which found that all youths presenting to a clinical setting with self-harm were at an elevated future risk of suicide.

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