Results: 313

For: young adult

Root resorption: incidence after different types of traumatic dental injury


This review of assess the incidence of different types of root resorption after concussion, subluxation, lateral luxation, intrusive luxation, and extrusive luxation included 14 observational studies. Findings suggest that resorption is most common following intrusive luxation.

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Third molars: Remove or retain asymptomatic disease-free impacted teeth?


This Cochrane review of the effects of removal compared with retention (conservative management) of asymptomatic disease-free impacted wisdom teeth updates the 2016 version. No new studies were identified so the conclusions are unchanged.

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#chatsafe: helping young people communicate safely online about suicide


In her debut blog, Zoë Catchpole summarises a recent qualitative paper about the Australian #chatsafe project, which outlines how young people were involved in the development of an online campaign to support conversations about suicide.

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Oral lichen planus: How common is it worldwide?

Lichen Planus -histopathology

This review of the global prevalence of oral lichen planus (OLP) included 66 observational studies providing an estimate of prevalence of 1.01% (0.74 to 1.32%).

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Digital technology and youth mental health: recommendations from the Royal College of Psychiatrists


Sarah Hetrick summarises a recent report from the Royal College of Psychiatrists which explores the impact of technology use on the mental health of young people.

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Non-carious cervical lesions: How common are they in adults?


This review of the worldwide prevalence of non-carious cervical lesions (NCCLs) in adults included 26 cross-sectional studies providing a weighted prevalence estimate estimate of 46.7 %(95%CI; 38.2 to 55.3 %).

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A picture tells a thousand words, or does it? Photography and youth mental health


Laura Caven and Chris O’Sullivan summarise a recent qualitative study on young people’s experiences and perceptions of mental health and well-being through photography.

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Suicide clusters in young people: definition, epidemiology and prevention


A group of UCL Mental Health Masters students summarise a recent literature review, which explores suicide clusters in young people (aged 25 or younger).

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Dentofacial deformity: the effect of combined orthodontic-surgical treatment on oral health–related quality of life


This review of the impact of conventional combined orthodontic-surgical treatment (COST) and the surgery-first approach on oral health–related quality of life (OHRQoL)included 24 prospective studies showing an inital decrease tfollowed by an improvement in OHRQoL

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Post-endodontic pain: Is it influenced by concentration of sodium hypochlorite irrigation?


This large RCT involving 308 patients found that using 1.3% NaOCl was associated with less intense and less frequent post-endodontic pain than 5.25% NaOCl in mandibular molars with nonvital pulps treated in two visits.

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