In her debut blog, Shivangi Talwar explores this realist review of psychosocial interventions for survivors of human trafficking, which aims to determine what works for whom, in what contexts, and how.
[read the full story...]In her debut blog, Shivangi Talwar explores this realist review of psychosocial interventions for survivors of human trafficking, which aims to determine what works for whom, in what contexts, and how.
[read the full story...]The paper sets out and examines the impact of a local project called Promote the Vote running in West Yorkshire.
[read the full story...]Sofiia Kornatska reviews a qualitative study on the importance of child-staff therapeutic relationship in the Children and Young People’s Secure Estate, which offers insights into the implementation of the SECURE STAIRS trauma-informed framework that has been commissioned by NHS England across these settings.
[read the full story...]Sophie Large explores an qualitative research study that looks into young refugees experiences of coping after experiencing unaccompanied forced migration.
[read the full story...]Katie McQuillan reviews a recent randomised controlled trial which suggests that a brief community programme may help improve youth and caregiver psychological wellbeing in young Syrian refugees settled in Jordan.
[read the full story...]In his debut blog, Tyler Elliot considers a case-control study focusing on the impact of the Russian invasion on the mental health of adolescents in Ukraine that suggest the risk for developing mental health conditions has likely been exacerbated in war-affected areas.
[read the full story...]In her debut blog, Peter Boyd-Piercy summarises a recent report for Oasis Community Housing on the prevalence of trauma among people who have experienced homelessness in England.
[read the full story...]Jessica Bone critically considers a systematic review of community interventions for anxiety and depression in adults and young people, which suggests that more research is required targeting young people and specific community assets.
[read the full story...]Ian Cummins reviews a Danish population-based cohort study, which finds that all mental health disorders were associated with shorter working life.
[read the full story...]Theofanis Kyriacou & Andie Ashdown consider a systematic review of risk and protective factors for trauma transmission among trauma-affected refugees and their non-exposed children.
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