Results: 196

For: vulnerable people

What does evidence say for Making Safeguarding Personal?


In her blog, Lindsey Pike of RiPfA examines a literature review on adult safeguarding in Britain and considers the implications for Care Act implementation.

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Social determinants of mental health: how our societies are making us mentally unwell and what we can do about it


Mark Horowitz summarises the new WHO and UCL Institute of Health Equity (Michael Marmot) report and research paper on social determinants of mental health. He concludes that it’s time to focus on the root causes of mental distress, namely poverty, unemployment, poor education and social isolation.

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Social approachability behaviour of adults with Williams syndrome tested in observational study

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Adults with Williams syndrome are said to have a highly social personality, but can find it difficult to form and maintain relationships.

Here we report on a recent observational study which compared parent and self-report measures of social behaviour to observations of real life social situations.

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Mental health therapy for refugee and asylum seeking children: a small evidence base for a big problem

Refugees face a substantially higher risk of psychotic disorders compared to non-refugee migrants [see previous blog].

Laurence Palfreyman considers the very small and mixed evidence base of mental health interventions for refugee and asylum seeking children presented in a well conducted systematic review from last year.

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Preventing and responding to violence against disabled people – what works?


Professor Jill Manthorpe begins 2015 with a blog considering a systematic review on interventions to prevent and respond to violence against disabled people. She reflects on how social workers use systematic review papers as part of evidence based practice and gives some useful pointers for reading and getting the most from such studies.

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Learning Disabilities Elf review of 2014

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As the year draws to a close and we elves gear up for some seasonal duties, we take a look at some of the blogs we have published throughout 2014 and welcome some of our new bloggers.

Also, we will be looking for new contributors in 2015, so look out for more news of that in the new year.

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Mental health support for older adults needs to improve

Previous research shows that low education, hypertension, smoking and diabetes may all have causal associations with dementia.

Dave Steele summarises an NIHR funded mixed methods study that concludes we don’t know much about how we should support older adults with mental health problems, except to say that we should be doing better.

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Irish Minister suggests use of undercover video as part of inspections to combat abuse in residential services for people with learning disabilities


In the week following the publication of the Bubb report after the appalling scenes uncovered at Winterbourne View, a team in Ireland uncover similar abuses in a care centre in Mayo. Here we look at what they found and the initial response of the authorities there.

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What does ‘adult protection’ mean to social workers?


In her first Social Care Elf blog, Jo Moriarty, Research Fellow at the Social Care Workforce Research Unit, examines a study looking into the meanings attached to adult protection by social work practitioners.

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