Results: 59

For: training

Using Thickness Indicator Model tubes help staff to accurately modify fluid consistency when supporting people with dysphagia

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When choking risk is identified for people with learning disabilities and fluid consistency modification is prescribed, it is critical that staff get the consistency right. Here we report on an efficacy study which looked at whether the use of Thickness Indicator Model tubes as a visual aid in training improved the efficacy of staff training.

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Toolkit for GP practices on reasonable adjustments to support people with learning disabilities

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The past few years has seen the publication of a number of national reports which have highlighted the often poor response to people with learning disabilities by health services, (‘Death by Indifference’, ‘Healthcare for all’ ‘Six Lives’ investigation) which led to a number of key recommendations for improvement, including the need for reasonable adjustments in [read the full story…]

Cognitive dissonance and positive health behaviours: a systematic review shows dissonance-based interventions can be successful


Most of us have heard of cognitive dissonance although the term is often used incorrectly. I’m sure when you find out you thought you were using it correctly but weren’t, you’ll feel bad. Cognitive dissonance refers to a state of psychological discomfort that arises from conflicting attitudes or beliefs. For example you may have a [read the full story…]

Alliance urges providers of support to people with learning disabilities to sign up to quality code

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The Driving up Quality Alliance is an alliance of people and organisations (listed below) committed to ensuring that the kind of abuse of people with learning disabilities uncovered at Winterbourne View can never happen again. They have developed a Code which they are inviting all providers that support people with learning disabilities to sign up [read the full story…]

Active support study finds shared supported accommodation services inefficient for more able people with learning disabilities


Active support involves training staff in working practices and organisational procedures to improve levels of participation and increase levels of engagement in activities and the authors of this study have written about its effectiveness elsewhere In this study, they set out to explore the characteristics of the residents who were being supported by organisations implementing [read the full story…]

Training programme improves health advocacy skills for people with learning disabilities


Recent reports on the response of the NHS in England to the health needs of people with learning disabilites have uncovered poor practice and a lack of knowledge and skills (see for example Mencap Getting it Right campaign) We posted earlier in the week about the impact of liaison nursing, one response of the health [read the full story…]

Staff training in bereavement improves knowledge but impact on practice unknown


Staff supporting people with learning disabilities may find it extremely difficult to deal with bereavement in somebody they support. It is important to recognise that everybody has the right to grieve when they lose somebody they cared for, and this is just as true for people with learning disabilities. The researchers in this study recognised [read the full story…]

ACT training reduces staff stress but further research needed


Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT – pronounced as the word rather than the initials) is based on the notion that it is important to accept what is out of your personal control but commit to action to improve and enrich your life. ACT is an approach which sets out to teach psychological skills to deal [read the full story…]

Study calls for training for police on identification of learning disability


The Prison Reform Trust work in 2008 suggested that people with learning disabilities in the UK faced ‘personal, systemic and routine’ discrimination from the point of arrest through to release from prison. This Australian study looked at the experience of people in the state of Victoria. The researchers were interested in the experiences and perceptions [read the full story…]

Learning disabilities support worker training programme improves oral hygiene


People with learning disabilities are more likely to have tooth decay, loose teeth, have gum disease, show higher levels of untreated disease and also have a larger number of extractions than those without disabilities, although evidence does exist to suggest that well-performed preventive procedures can prevent progression of dental disease and reduce tooth loss. The [read the full story…]