Niamh Dooley explores a retrospective study of ‘real-world’ data on young people’s use of general practitioners for mental health support.
[read the full story...]Niamh Dooley explores a retrospective study of ‘real-world’ data on young people’s use of general practitioners for mental health support.
[read the full story...]Jennifer Rose Oulton reviews a qualitative study that explores the experiences of psychotropic medication use and decision-making for adults with learning disabilities and their carers.
[read the full story...]Matthew Broome on a systematic review and meta-analysis of shared treatment decision-making and empowerment-related outcomes in psychosis.
[read the full story...]This is a critique of a report from the Health Foundation looking at the coordinating services and targeting populations rather than acute health goals.
[read the full story...]In her blog, Caroline De Brún considers a recently published report by the World Health Organization, comparing strengths and issues faced by primary care health systems in Europe.
[read the full story...]In this blog, Caroline De Brún considers the latest research evidence on leadership in health care and key characteristics required for effective leadership, published in a new report by the King’s Fund.
[read the full story...]The aim of this literature review from the Policy Research Unit in Commissioning at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, is to help decision-makers support acute care, by moving some services out of the hospital, and into the community.
[read the full story...]This new report from The King’s Fund and Nuffield Trust provides guidance for CCGs working in partnership with GPs and local authorities, as new co-commissioning arrangements are launched.
[read the full story...]Alison Turner blogs about a new telehealth toolkit from the NHS Commissioning Assembly, which provides a range of resources including checklists, case studies and links to the evidence base.
[read the full story...]The Dalton Review was carried out to highlight new ways of working in the NHS, to support integrated care and partnerships with non-NHS organisations.
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