Results: 147

For: service user involvement

Should mental health service user-led organisations adapt to management culture to bring about meaningful change?


Lucy Simons considers the findings of an ethnographic study led by Diana Rose that observed in-depth how service user-led organisations work to change mental health services.

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What do you want from your psychiatric medication?


John Baker presents a systematic review of preferences for medication-associated outcomes in mental disorders, which concludes that we just don’t know what value mental health service users place on the different outcomes that come from taking psychiatric medication.

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Service user involvement in mental health care planning


Alison Faulkner writes her debut Mental Elf blog about a new qualitative study, which explores how meaningful service user involvement can be integrated into the mental health care planning process.

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Building RAPPORT between researchers and lay people


Lucy Simons highlights the RAPPORT study and the importance of strong relationships between PPI (patient and public involvement) representatives and researchers, which are seen to be essential for PPI to become normal practice in research.

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Young people’s views on responsive social services: What makes a difference?


In her debut blog, Katherine Bishop examines a New Zealand study which asks young people at risk of harm what makes a responsive, supportive social service and finds important messages for social work practice.

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Reflections on Reimagining Social Care


Sarah Carr takes a look at a new report from Research in Practice for Adults which uses evidence to reimagine social care.

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Mental health research: let us reason together #RCTdebate


Amy Price and Douglas Badenoch respond to the McPin Foundation talking point paper written by Alison Faulkner entitled ‘Randomised controlled trials: The straitjacket of mental health research?’

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Life histories as counter-narratives for people with learning disabilities


Gerry Bennison examines an Icelandic study where four women with learning disabilities use life histories to challenge the historical, institutional accounts of their lives.

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Understanding research – what does it mean for me? Accessible research findings for people with learning disabilities

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Last week we posted about accessible websites. This week we thought we would consider the reflections published recently on the Plain Facts project, which ran for many many years, offering access to research findings on topics of interest to people with learning disabilities

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