Results: 147

For: service user involvement

“Where I End And You Begin”: A personal commentary on Russo’s ‘Through the eyes of the observed’ #PsychDrugDebate

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Sarah Carr shares her own experiences of psychiatric medication and provides a critical reading of Jasna Russo’s new #PsychDrugDebate paper: ‘Through the eyes of the observed: re-directing the research on psychiatric drugs’.

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How should we redirect research on psychiatric drugs? #PsychDrugDebate


Alison Faulkner dissects the new McPin Foundation Talking Point Paper by Jasna Russo entitled: Through the eyes of the observed: re-directing research on psychiatric drugs.

Follow #PsychDrugDebate today on Twitter for further discussion about this vital issue.

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Mental health diagnosis: views and experiences of service users and clinicians


Vanessa Pinfold and Jennie Parker from the McPin Foundation explore a recent systematic review of service user, clinician, and carer perspectives on mental health diagnosis.

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The long view: what has really changed with recovery?


Simon Bradstreet explores a recent qualitative study looking at 20 years in the lives of a group of 20 people with psychosis in Ireland. The research provides evidence on the pros and cons of the adoption of recovery-based approaches from people who are uniquely placed to provide a long-term view.

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A hierarchy of stigma based on mental health diagnosis?

A group therapy session takes place.

Laura Hemming explores a recent qualitative study of the experiences of stigma felt by people with mental health problems who were recruited through a local mental health charity.

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EQUIPment testing: evaluating a co-delivered care planning training programme


Sarah Carr treats us to a bumper blog of EQUIP studies. Think: care planning, coproduction, service user involvement and training. She doesn’t blog for us very often these days, but when she does it’s a corker!

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Recovering Quality of Life (ReQOL) scale: a PROM you don’t want to miss


Martina Sawicka and Derek Tracy take a look at the ReQOL scale (Recovering Quality of Life): a patient reported outcome measure (PROM) for use with people experiencing mental health difficulties.

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Digital Technology for Mental Health: asking the right questions #DigitalMHQ


Lucy Simons invites YOU to tell us what you think are the most important questions about using digital technology for mental health.

There are also some fab prizes up for grabs, so don’t miss out!

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Patients included? Twitter impact at health care conferences


Amy Price considers the impact that patient participation can have at health care conferences: increased information flow, greater reach and impact, and deeper engagement in the conversation of tweets compared to physicians or researchers.

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Power to the people: practitioners, patients and power


Rob Allison explores a recent qualitative study of dependence and resistance in community mental health care, which looks at negotiations of user participation between mental health staff and service users.

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