Results: 147

For: service user involvement

Measuring the mediators: initiating, maintaining and interrupting interactions. How do support workers support social inclusion?


Being engaged in our community at a level, with which we feel comfortable, could be a measure of the quality of our lives. But how do workers who support people with learning disabilities help them in ways, which can achieve this? What helps and what gets in the way?

Here, in her debut blog, Paula Hopes looks at a naturalistic observation study that looked at this issue in more detail.

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Using actors with learning disabilities during training to improve doctors’ communication and diagnostic skills


Poor communication between people with learning disabilities, their carers and health professionals has been cited as an element of the explanation of health inequalities faced by people with learning disabilities.

In his debut blog, Tom Crossland looks at one study which used actors with learning disabilities as ‘standardised patients’ in the training of medical students in order to see if this might improve communication and diagnostic skills.

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Hand held health records increased awareness of health issues but no evidence of improvements in short-term health care activity

The incentivised scheme was introduced in England in 2008-09 to encourage annual GP health checks

Health Action Planning was advocated in the 2001 White Paper and hospital passports are becoming accepted practice. But what impact are they having on outcomes for people with learning disabilities?

Here Alison Giraud Saunders looks at a systematic review of published research on health records held by people with learning disabilities which looks at this question.

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Innovation case studies point to a co-productive approach acknowledging risk taking and organisational development


Alison Turner summarises a new digital report from the King’s Fund, which features a range of case studies highlighting how innovations have improved patient care and experience.

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What works for whom in support planning by ULOs?


Gerry Bennison explores a study on support planning by user led organisations and wonders about the implications for personalisation and equality of access to social care and support.

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Coproduction of secure mental health services: design, development and delivery


Sarah Carr summarises a study of user involvement and coproduction initiatives in secure mental health settings, which recommends schemes that build alliances, garner mutual respect and support communication between staff and service users in shared forums.

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King’s Fund report highlights gaps in evidence on reconfiguration

hospital move

This new report from the King’s Fund summarises available evidence from major reconfiguration programmes. A timely publication given the emphasis on the need for transformation in current policy.

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How do health and social care leaders respond to user involvement?


Service user researcher and consultant, Gerry Bennison presents his first Social Care Elf blog. In it he critically discusses the findings of a study looking at how leaders in health and social care are responding to service user involvement.

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The impact of PPI on service users, researchers and communities


Sarah Knowles and Ailsa Donnelly consider the findings on a systematic review which seeks to map the impact of patient and public involvement (PPI) on health and social care research.

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New guide to help commissioners involve young people in designing better mental health and wellbeing services

young people

Alison Turner highlights a recent report from the Paul Hamlyn Foundation and the Mental Health Foundation, which looks at how to commission better mental health and wellbeing services for young people.

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