Ian Kelleher considers a new systematic review of papers from across the world, which looks at the enduring gap in educational attainment for people with schizophrenia.
[read the full story...]Ian Kelleher considers a new systematic review of papers from across the world, which looks at the enduring gap in educational attainment for people with schizophrenia.
[read the full story...]Chris Fielding summarises a Welsh cohort study which finds that neurodevelopmental and mental disorders are linked to school absenteeism and exclusion.
[read the full story...]Ariadna Albajara Saenz blogs a systematic review that suggests school-based depression and anxiety prevention programmes are likely to have a significant public health impact when implemented on a large scale.
[read the full story...]Douglas Badenoch summarises a recent population-based study of ADHD deficit in school performance across sex and parental education, which has some interesting findings for parents, teachers and health professionals.
Join us around the #CAMHScampfire on Tuesday 27th September to discuss this paper.
[read the full story...]Lucinda Powell reports on the findings of the huge MYRIAD (My Resilience in Adolescence) project, which looked at the effectiveness of school based mindfulness training across more than 100 UK schools.
[read the full story...]In her debut blog, Annie Stevenson reports on an RCT finding that school-based humanistic counselling reduces psychological distress, but is not cost-effective.
[read the full story...]Sadhbh Byrne reviews a qualitative study exploring the role of culturally responsive social and emotional learning in supporting the inclusion and belonging of refugee children and young people.
[read the full story...]Lucinda Powell summarises a review which finds little evidence to support the use of peer mentoring in schools to improve mental wellbeing.
[read the full story...]In their debut blog, Monika Raniti and Divyangana Rakesh explore the relationship between school connectedness, anxiety and depression in young people.
[read the full story...]In his debut blog, Chris Fielding reviews a study which uses baseline data from the MYRIAD study, and concludes that the “direct influence of schools on mental health seems to be small”.
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