Results: 15

For: refugee

Social determinants increase depression risk: key findings from umbrella review


Ayana Cant summarises the findings from a recent umbrella review on the social determinants of mental health in major depressive disorder, which suggests that early life adversities, intimate partner violence, and food insecurity were the biggest risk factors for depression.

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How has the hostile environment policy worsened the mental health of people from minoritised ethnic groups?

LONDON, UK -20 MAY 2017- Sign for the UK Border at London Heathrow International Airport (LHR).  The UK and European Union  countries have separate passport control and immigration lanes.

Briony Tatem considers a study in The Lancet, which explores the effect of immigration policy reform on mental health in people from minoritised ethnic groups in England, using longitudinal data from the UK Household Longitudinal Study cohort.

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Post-traumatic growth in refugees and asylum seekers: reclaiming life through shared stories and community


Jeremy Lyons summarises an updated systematic review on post-traumatic growth among refugee and asylum-seeking populations, which provides insights into coping mechanisms that help refugees grow after trauma, such as religion, employment and psychological support.

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Navigating mental health support for female migrants in Europe: insights from a systematic feminist review


Ana Veic explores a review on the female migrant experience in accessing mental health support in primary care settings across Europe, which concludes that services must be culturally aware and gender sensitive.

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Ethnic disparities in suicide mortality: what’s going on?


Pauline Rivart summarises a national cohort study of ethnicity and suicide in England and Wales, which presents a “paradoxical finding of a lower rate of suicide in almost all minority ethnic groups compared with the White British majority”.

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Trauma affects how refugees feel about themselves and others, but how can clinicians help?

Person looking at the mirror. Abstract concept for psychological and personal traits like behavioral mindset, self esteem, confidence, identity and more. Editable Clip Art.

UCL MSc students consider a longitudinal study published in the Journal of Affective Disorders, which explores the underlying cognitive mechanisms that could explain the association between trauma exposure, mental health and social engagement in refugees.

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“Let me see a therapist”: mental health support for asylum seekers and refugees


KCL Masters student Daniella Mousicos summarises a qualitative study exploring whether asylum seekers and refugees are provided with appropriate mental health support in Brighton and Hove.

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Self Help Plus for refugees: we need effective, low-intensity and scalable interventions

Asylum seekers and refugees in the UK increasingly face challenges impacting on their experiences of resettlement.

Alexis Low considers a meta-analysis which evaluates Self-Help Plus, a promising WHO intervention that could be scaled up to address the mental health needs of refugees and asylum seekers.

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Child refugees face poorer mental health outcomes under insecure visa conditions


Olivia McGowan examines an Australian cross-sectional study on the impact of prolonged visa insecurity on asylum-seeking children, which indicates links to poorer mental health.

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