National policy in England has seen people with learning disabilities who were once residents of long stay hospitals move into community services. There have been many evaluations of these moves, locally and nationally.
The authors of this study were interested in measurable factors such as quality of life and mortality. They looked at 521 adults with learning disabilities and complex health problems who had moved from a long-stay hospital into community services including supported living, group homes, or nursing homes
They used the ‘Questionnaire on Quality of Life’ to measure quality of life at baseline, which was at 6 months prior to moving, at 6 months and 1 year after the move. Mortality and causes of death were investigated in those who died within 2 years of relocation.
They found that quality of life improved between baseline and 6 months follow-up but leveled off at 1 year follow-up. Three of the people who moved died during the first 2 years of moving to the community. The authors point out that they all had complex health problems and two died as a result of complications associated with seizures.
The authors suggest that their findings support the need for continued careful planning when relocating people with complex health problems, irrespective of whether they are moving from long stay hospital accommodation or other situations. They suggest that their findings might suggest that adults with learning disabilities and epilepsy may be particularly vulnerable and may require particular attention.
Assessing Quality of Life and Mortality in Adults With Intellectual Disability and Complex Health Problems Following Move From a Long-Stay Hospital, Bhaumik, S et al., in Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 8: 183–190
Hi John
Great site – I have just stumbled upon this – very nicely built pages and really informative
I am searching for published articles on postural management for people with profound and multiple learning and physical disabilities – especially relating to the 24 hour concept of postural care and management. I am struggling to find any articles (except Goldsmiths) during ‘ usual ‘ searches
have you come across any ?
any help advice would be most appreciated
many thanks
Hi Darren,
Thanks for your positive comments about the learning disabilties elf site. Please do let others know about us.
Ref postural care, I am assuming you are aware of the mencap site http://www.mencap.org.uk/posturalcare which has some stories and links and produced a booklet and film.
I also found a couple of articles from a quick search that may be of use to you?
The development and implementation of an integrated care pathway for 24-hour postural management: a study of the views of staff and carers, Humphreys G.,Pountney T. in Physiotherapy, December 2006, vol./is. 92/4(233-239), 0031-9406 (December 2006)
‘Posture for Learning’: meeting the postural care needs of children with physical disabilities in mainstream primary schools in England–a research into practice exploratory study, Hutton E,Coxon K in Disability & Rehabilitation, 2011, vol./is. 33/19-20(1912-24), 0963-8288;1464-5165 (2011)
The other person who would be good to contact would be Janet Cobb via the Jan-Net networks http://www.jan-net.co.uk/email.asp
hope that helps,
best wishes