Results: 238

For: quality of life

Learning Disability Self-Assessment Framework shows some progress, but still more to be done


The publication of Valuing People Now in 2009  signalled a renewed focus on delivery of the key objectives of the 2001 White Paper. To reinforce this focus, the Government introduced two self-assessment frameworks for health and local authorities to complete. We have posted previously about the progress of partnership boards using this framework Method The [read the full story…]

New manual for cognitive behavioural treatment in people with learning disabilities published online


Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is used in mainstream services and the evidence for its effectiveness is growing. For people with learning disabilities, there is a growing evidence base for in relation to psychological interventions more generally, although much of the much of the research on CBT has come from forensic secure units. CBT Randomised controlled [read the full story…]

CQC and CBF publish ‘Three Lives’ Report with commitments to action


A short while ago, the Learning Disabilities Elf made a small contribution to the Justice for LB campaign by trying to draw attention once again to the evidence base. Wednesday (day 91) saw the publication of a key report from the Care Quality Commission and Challenging Behaviour Foundation, which tells the stories of three young [read the full story…]

Dementia through the eyes of a carer: What would you want for your relative?


Josephine Neale summarises a recent review of qualitative evidence that finds carers’ views are mixed and lie on a spectrum of acceptance of their relative as actively dying with dementia.

[read the full story...]

Program of regular exercise may be beneficial in reducing depression in older adults


The evidence-base supporting the use of exercise for depression is ever growing. Susie Johnson reports on a recent systematic review that adds to the discussion, but it’s not without its own limitations.

[read the full story...]

Overcoming the barriers to self directed support for people with learning disabilities

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Self-directed support is described by InControl  as an approach to social care which gives people optimum choice and control over their support arrangements. People with social care needs are offered funding to organise their own support, rather than being offered a directly provided service. There is now a clear policy direction in England and Scotland [read the full story…]

Study finds initial stages of fixed orthodontic treatment result in subjective pain experience and impact on oral health-related quality of life

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Pain is a common side effect of orthodontic treatment and it is particularly common in the first 24 hours following appliance placement. The aims of this prospective controlled longitudinal study were to assess subjective pain experience and oral health-related quality of life (OHQoL) in patients over a 3-month period, following placement of their fixed appliances. [read the full story…]

Trial found no difference in oral health quality of life outcomes for two approaches to management of the shortened dental arch


Yesterday we looked at the reported periodontal outcomes from a multicenter trial that compared the outcomes for two different treatment options for the shortened dental arch. Today we are considering the report of the oral health quality of life outcomes (OHRQoL). As outlined previously patients were randomised into two groups; a partial removable dental prosthesis [read the full story…]

Quality standards aim to improve clinical ophthalmology services to people with learning disabilities

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People with learning disabilities are 10 times more likely to have serious sight problems than other people and if people have severe or profound learning disabilities, the likelihood of having sight problems is further increased. The difficulties are compounded of course when people may not know they have a problem and may not be able [read the full story…]

Solution-Focused Brief Therapy shows goal attainment gains in people with mild learning disabilities

Documents published representing a ‘manualised’ cognitive behavioural therapy treatment for trained CBT therapists

Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) focuses on evoking desired behaviour rather than on diminishing existing problem behaviour. It is goal directed and collaborative in its approach to helping people achieve behavioural change. The therapist works to help establish a vision of a desired future using a series of precisely worded questions. In SFBT, the goal of [read the full story…]