NICE (National Institute of Health and Care Excellence) provides guidance and quality standards for health and social care in England. Its evidence-based guidance is produced to support health and social care professionals to ensure that support provided they is of the best possible quality and offers the best value for money.
Following a Department of Health consultation held in the spring of 2013, five topics were chosen for the development and publication of NICE social care quality guidance and standards.
The care and support of older people with learning disabilities has emerged as one of those five areas following the consultation.
This has now been formally referred to NICE to add to the social care work plan for the development of the guidance and standards for 2015.
You can read more about the background to the consultation and the other topics that were chosen here:
Topics for new NICE quality standards and guidance to improve the quality of social care: Summary of consultation responses and outcomes National Institute of Health and Care Excellence
RT @WELDBlog: Care and support of older people with learning disabilities chosen for NICE social care… http://t.co/8Jl9utFTSU
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