Results: 254

For: primary care

Is behavioural activation cost-effective for depression in older adults?


Olga Lainidi summarises a recently Dutch RCT which asks: is behavioural activation a more cost-effective and accessible alternative to primary care treatments for older adults with depression?

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New meta-analysis confirms high suicide rates amongst doctors #WMHD2024


Today is World Mental Health Day and the theme this year is ‘Prioritising Mental Health in the Workplace’. Clare Gerada reviews a study showing that doctor suicide rates, particularly for females, exceed those of the general population.

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What can GP records tell us about mental health throughout childhood?

Is the GP clinic the best form of support for young people experiencing recurrent mental health issues?

Niamh Dooley explores a retrospective study of ‘real-world’ data on young people’s use of general practitioners for mental health support.

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Supporting NHS colleagues following a coworker’s suicide: a postvention theory

Implementing structured protocols, enhancing training, strengthening support, and promoting open communication are all steps that can be implemented within workplaces to better support staff wellbeing after a colleague’s suicide.

In her debut blog, Brittany Oldale collaborates with Sarah Watts to summarise a grounded theory study that sought to create a postvention theory for how to support colleagues’ following a colleague’s suicide within the NHS.

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Beating the odds in recovery: does employment support benefit the outcomes of psychological therapy?


Lucy Chilton and Sarah Watts summarise a case-control study looking at the effectiveness of employment support in combination with psychological therapies within NHS Talking Therapies.

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Are chatbots the answer to minimising inequalities in treatment access?


Robert Meadows considers the findings of a recent paper on the use of artificial intelligence chatbots in increasing self-referrals to mental health services.

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A triple empathy problem? Exploring barriers to accessing healthcare for autistic adults


Hannah Wallace summarises a qualitative study exploring the ‘triple empathy problem’ among autistic adults attempting to access healthcare, and how this can contribute to adverse outcomes.

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Risk factors for depression relapse while on long-term maintenance antidepressant treatment


In her debut blog, Asha Ladwa discusses a secondary analysis of data from the ANTLER trial, which investigated the clinical factors associated with relapse in primary care patients on long-term maintenance antidepressants.

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Accessing and engaging with NHS Talking Therapies: what can we learn from the pandemic?


Jake Grange and Sarah Watts summarise a study using observational retrospective cohort data to investigate factors associated with access and engagement with NHS Talking Therapies services before, during, and after lockdown.

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What crisis and acute mental health care is available to those with a ‘personality disorder’ diagnosis?

a red and white life buoy on a wooden floor

Keir Harding finds little published evidence to support people with ‘personality disorder’ diagnoses when they are in crisis.

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