Results: 26

For: patient safety

What happened to you? Trauma informed approaches to mental health care


Sarah Carr explores a narrative review of trauma informed approaches to mental health care, which aims to provide a definition and plan for future development.

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Locked wards vs open wards: does control = safety?


André Tomlin summarises a 15 year observational study published today in The Lancet Psychiatry, which provides fascinating insight into suicide risk and absconding in psychiatric inpatient units with locked wards and open door policies.

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#SafeStaffing Mental health nursing on inpatient wards

We need validated assessments of depression.

John Baker looks at the implications of the leaked NICE review on #SafeStaffing for Nursing in Inpatient Mental Health Settings, which was recently uncovered by HSJ journalist Shaun Lintern.

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Patient safety- few dental studies have been conducted

rubbing out risk with pencil

There is growing interest in patient safety in health care. This review sought to identify any dental research in this area, only a small number of studies were identified demonstrating the need for further research

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An integrated leadership approach needed to improve care

Sitting cat with sitting lion shadow on the wall

In this blog, Caroline De Brún considers the latest research evidence on leadership in health care and key characteristics required for effective leadership, published in a new report by the King’s Fund.

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“The patient is the single most important safety barometer” according to roundtable discussion


 Introduction Patient safety has featured heavily in the news recently, with the Mid Staffordshire inquiry, childrens heart surgery in Leeds and the investigation into deaths of babies at Furness General Hospital.  It is a top priority for commissioners.  The Health Foundation recently published an evidence review Involving patients in improving safety (1).  This report follows [read the full story…]