Results: 2918

For: Populations and settings

Traumatic stress in Palestinian children and young people in the Gaza Strip


Rasanat Fatima Nawaz and Hayley Gains summarise a scoping review exploring the impact of war on Palestinian children and young people residing in the Gaza Strip.

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Supporting female violence researchers who experience vicarious trauma


Eve Wang summarises a qualitative study exploring the emotional safety and coping mechanisms in women conducting violence and abuse research, who experience vicarious trauma.

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Are crisis responses for children and young people effective?

Screenshot 2024-06-27 at 13.05.12

Beth Cumber summarises the CAMH‐Crisis project – a large systematic review exploring crisis response interventions for children and young people, with a focus on effectiveness, lived experiences and service organisation.

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Are chatbots the answer to minimising inequalities in treatment access?


Robert Meadows considers the findings of a recent paper on the use of artificial intelligence chatbots in increasing self-referrals to mental health services.

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Enhancing mental health care for autistic individuals: bridging gaps and breaking barriers


Today Ruby Jarvis presents two new reviews from the Mental Health Policy Research Unit, which summarise the adjustments that clinicians can make to improve mental health care for autistic children, young people and adults.

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Inflammation and depression: new insights into sex differences in adolescents

Illustration set of 9 different faces of all sexes and races . Also available in other sets.

Sophie Fairweather explores a recent paper which suggests that the inflammatory cytokines IL-2 and IL-6 are associated with both the risk of developing depression, and with depression severity, although this relationship is modified by sex.

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Community perinatal teams associated with more mental health service access and fewer postnatal relapses


Roxanne Keynejad summarises the ESMI-II study on community perinatal mental health teams and mental health, obstetric and neonatal outcomes in pregnant women.

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Eye-tracking to assess language and cognition in children with Rett Syndrome


Konstantinos Filippos Kollias summarises a 2021 study investigating formal and informal assessments used to assess language and cognition in children with Rett Syndrome.

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Is brief text messaging effective to reduce repeat hospital-treated self-harm?


Amelia Mullett summarises an Australian RCT on the efficacy of a short message service brief contact intervention (SMS-SOS) in reducing repetition of hospital-treated self-harm.

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