Results: 2918

For: Populations and settings

Using digital technologies to support young people at risk of suicide: new guidance from a Delphi study


Becky Appleton summarises a recent Delphi study that led to the development of the first clinical guidelines for implementing digital technology within mental healthcare for young people with suicidal thoughts and behaviours.

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Game on for mental health? Reviewing the effectiveness of applied and casual games for young people’s mental health

There are interesting avenues for future research arising from the conclusions of this paper, including better understanding from a user-experience perspective of what features or mechanics of games might be especially beneficial for mental health.

Linda Kaye and Kirsten Lawson summarise a large systematic review synthesising the effectiveness of applied and casual games on young people’s mental health.

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Are current perinatal depression screening practices following guidelines’ recommendations?


Angelica Tong summarises a recent Chinese review of perinatal depression screening and international guideline recommendations, which finds that routine screening and referrals for perinatal depression were not widely adopted in clinical practice.

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Is a sleep intervention delivered by non-expert practitioners feasible for youth mental health?


In her debut blog, Emma Sullivan explores a new paper looking at the feasibility of a CBT for insomnia intervention (delivered by non-expert practitioners) for young people with mental health difficulties.

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A deep dive into trauma-informed care in crisis, emergency and residential mental health settings

Deep sea diving

Magda Skowronska summarises a scoping review that finds significant evidence gaps around the implementation of trauma-informed care in emergency care, crisis teams, crisis houses and acute day hospitals.

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Navigating mental health support for female migrants in Europe: insights from a systematic feminist review


Ana Veic explores a review on the female migrant experience in accessing mental health support in primary care settings across Europe, which concludes that services must be culturally aware and gender sensitive.

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Wide variance in the use of coercion in children and young people’s inpatient services


John Baker reflects on a recent review on rates and risk factors of coercion in inpatient child and adolescent mental health services.

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New meta-analysis confirms high suicide rates amongst doctors #WMHD2024


Today is World Mental Health Day and the theme this year is ‘Prioritising Mental Health in the Workplace’. Clare Gerada reviews a study showing that doctor suicide rates, particularly for females, exceed those of the general population.

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Is brain imaging the future for bipolar disorder diagnosis in adolescents?

The study emphasises the potential of adopting a multimodal approach, incorporating imaging and behavioural data, to improve diagnosis of bipolar disorder in adolescence.

Emiliana Tonini summarises a recent Chinese study, which suggests that combining MRI scan and behavioural assessments data may increase the accuracy of diagnosing bipolar disorder in adolescents.

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Adolescents with disabilities at higher risk of self-harm, but intersectionality also a vital consideration


Elisha Joshi reviews a study exploring the prevalence and risk factors for self-harm in adolescents with and without disabilities living in the UK.

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