John Baker summarises a new Norwegian trial published last week, which compares an open-door policy to treatment-as-usual in urban psychiatric inpatient wards.
[read the full story...]John Baker summarises a new Norwegian trial published last week, which compares an open-door policy to treatment-as-usual in urban psychiatric inpatient wards.
[read the full story...]In her debut blog, Asha Ladwa discusses a secondary analysis of data from the ANTLER trial, which investigated the clinical factors associated with relapse in primary care patients on long-term maintenance antidepressants.
[read the full story...]This review of motivational interviewing (MI) for the oral morbidities in adults included 7 randomised controlled trials. The findings focused on periodontal outcomes suggesting that MI has the potential to improve plaque and bleeding indicies.
[read the full story...]Ana Veic summarises a epidemiological study exploring the mental health problems and admissions to hospital for accidents and injuries in the UK military.
[read the full story...]Aslihan Baser summarises a systematic review and meta-analysis investigating the risk for developing anxiety disorders in children whose parents experience mood disorders.
[read the full story...]A group of leading researches at Orygen Australia review a recent meta-analysis on the efficacy of trigger and content warnings on media outlets that indicates warnings may not be as helpful as we thought.
[read the full story...]Jake Grange and Sarah Watts summarise a study using observational retrospective cohort data to investigate factors associated with access and engagement with NHS Talking Therapies services before, during, and after lockdown.
[read the full story...]Nora de Bode summarises a cross-sectional study looking at alcohol use in trans and non-binary people living in the UK.
[read the full story...]In Athena Chow’s debut blog, she summarises a systematic review and meta-analysis on the relationship between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and risk of juvenile reoffending.
[read the full story...]Introduction This paper, from Muir and colleagues (2023), details a systematic review exploring the lived experiences of children and young people whose parents use substances. We know from a wide range of research and policy, that parental drug and alcohol use has wide ranging impacts on young people throughout their lives, and this study, which includes the [read the full story…]