Results: 196

For: older adult

Dual antiplatelet therapy and post-operative bleeding following minor oral surgery


This review of bleeding complications in patients on dual antiplatelet therapy compared to patients on single antiplatelet or no antiplatelet therapy for patients undergoing oral surgery included 16 studies but no randomised trials. Findings suggest that dual antiplatelet therapy should not be discontinued but the evidence is of low quality.

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High fluoride toothpaste for arresting and preventing root caries

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This randomised trial comparing 5000ppm fluoride tootpaste v 1450ppm paste in adults aged 60 and above demonstrated fewer new root canal lesions in the 5000ppm group at 2 years.

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Silver diamine fluoride for caries management?


This umbrella review of silver diamine fluoride (SDF) for the management of carious lesions in children and adults included 11 systematic reviews reporting on 30 unique primary studies. A consistent and growing body of research supports supports SDF’s effectiveness for arresting coronal carious lesions in the primary dentition and arresting and preventing root carious lesions in older adults.

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Older people’s decisions about extra-care housing

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Kate Baxter discusses a paper by Hillcoat-Nallétamby about the limitations of rational choice theory as an approach to understanding choice-making processes among older people around the decision to move into extra-care housing schemes.

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Intellectual disability and oral health


This review of on the oral health of community dwelling adults with intellectual disabilities included 33 mainly cross-sectional studies showing a the continuing high prevalence of oral disease and treatment need

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Atraumatic restorative treatment or conventional treatment for root caries in older adults?

This study is the first of its kind from an RCT perspective which clearly shows that treating major depression in older adults using interventions in primary care settings can extend life

This review of atraumatic restorative treatment or conventional treatment for restoration of root caries lesions in older adults included 3 RCTs providing is insufficient data to clearly rule out whether differences between ART and CT exist.

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Social Care in Northern Ireland – not as different as you might think


Catherine Needham reviews a study by Chapman (2019) which considers older people’s knowledge and understanding of the social care system in Northern Ireland.

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Panoramic radiography and calcified carotid artery atheroma detection

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This review of the diagnostic accuracy of panoramic radiography (PR) in the detection of calcified carotid artery atheroma (CCAA) suggests that PR has good dianostic accuracy compared with Doppler ultrasonograph.

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Museums on prescription for socially isolated older adults #LetsTalkMentalHealthII


Nuala Morse writes a #LetsTalkMentalHealthII blog about a museum-based social prescription intervention on quantitative measures of psychological wellbeing in older adults.

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The role of ICT in Ageing in Place: a family matter

The assumed role of ICT in Ageing in Place policies is to help older people communicate their needs quickly and easily with their care network, and at the same time, to assist governments in providing efficient and inexpensive care to vulnerable adults living at home

Jacqueline Damant considers a qualitative study looking at the experiences of older people and their support networks in using ICT to support Ageing in Place.

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