The number of non-carious cervical lesions (NCCLs) that will require management in the future is expected to increase. This review was only able to identify 4 RCTs looking at whether bevelling the enamel margin improves retention, so there is limited evidence for the clinician.
[read the full story...]Results: 196
For: older adultAtraumatic restorative treatment for older adults
This randomised controlled trial compares atraumatic restorative treatment in older patients to conventional care finding no statistically significant difference at 2 years.
[read the full story...]Oral health improvement in care homes
This cluster randomised controlled trial looked at changes in knowledge and attitudes in care homes following the introduction of an oral health care protocol. Significant improvements in knowledge were seen but no changes in attitudes.
[read the full story...]Overdentures: trial suggests no difference between 1 or 2 dental implant support
This trial compared patient satisfaction with 1 or 2 implants supporting a mandibular overdenture. No significant differences between the groups were seen after 5 years.
[read the full story...]Root caries: little evidence available on which to base restorative treatment recommendations
This systematic review only identified 5 small studies focussed on a limited sub group of the populations at risk of root caries. The available evidence is limited and cannot be used to provide recommendations on restorative treatment for root caries.
[read the full story...]Shortened dental arch: trial suggests it improves quality of life more than conventional treatment using removable partial dentures
This study suggests that treatment based on SDA concept led to better quality of life compared with treatment based on RPDs up to 12 months after treatment.
[read the full story...]Overdentures: scarce evidence to assess 1- versus 2 dental implant support
This review compared the survival of mandibular overdentures supported by 1- or 2- implants. Only two small RCTs were identified that suggest no difference between 1- or 2- implants. However only a small number of patients were included in these trials so the evidence is weak and more high quality trials are required.
[read the full story...]Dental implants: survey found that patients had high levels of satisfaction with implant-supported restorative treatment
This large Swedish questionnaire survey conducted on a random sample of patients achieved a high response rate (83%) . Those who had received dental implant supported restorative treatment reported very high levels of satisfaction (94%). However, 31% had experienced implant related complications although only 6% reported that these complications occurred frequently.
[read the full story...]Periodontal disease associated with stroke
This is the latest systematic review of a number published over the past decade that have looked at the links between periodontal disease and stroke.
[read the full story...]Patients with stroke have poorer oral health
This systematic review of observational studies found that patients with had a poorer clinical oral health status than health older patients.
[read the full story...]