Results: 196

For: older adult

Dental implant treatment in elderly patients


6 studies were included in this review of dental implant treatment on patients aged 65 and over. The review suggests good outcomes up to 10 years although the findings should be interpreted cautiously.

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Music therapy for depression in older adults: How can I be sure of you?


Dave Steele appraises a systematic review that reports music therapy combined with standard therapies is effective for treating depressive symptoms in older adults. He’s unconvinced by these claims and would like a bit more harmony in the evidence-base before striking up the band.

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Root canal treatment –patient age not a prognostic factor


This review of the outcome of root canal treatment in older adults included 24 studies (9 prospective, 15 retrospective) and suggests that outcomes are the same as in younger adults.

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Simplified complete denture fabrication can replace traditional approaches suggests review


This review of simplified approaches for complete denture construction includes 11 studies ( 7 RCTs) The available studies are small but suggest that the simplified approach could replace the conventional approach.

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Rape of older people: challenging the ‘Real Rape’ stereotype


Jill Manthorpe welcomes a recent paper by Bows & Westmarland, which provides a very useful summary of research about the rape and sexual violence committed against older women in the UK.

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Independent living: what matters most to very old people?

Older people with learning disabilities need opportunities to speak for themselves

Jill Manthorpe reports on an Australian qualitative study on what independent living means to very old people.

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Amoxicillin and metronidazole as an adjunct to scaling and root planning for periodontitis?


This review of the adjunctive use of amoxicillin and metronidazole with scaling and root planing for the management of periodontitis found improved clinical outcomes in terms of pocket depth and clinical attachment level with their use.

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Bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw treatments– little evidence available


This Cochrane review of bisphosphonate related osteonecrosis of the jaw only identified one small RCT. The trial compared the use of hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) as an adjunct to standard care. While it suggested a benefit for HBO it was under powered and at high riisk of bias

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Periodontal disease and glycaemic control in diabetics


11 systematic reviews were included in this overview of review of periodontal disease and glycaemic control in diabetics. The primary studies that underlying these systematic reviews have important limitations. Therefore larger higher quality studies are needed.

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