Results: 196

For: older adult

Periodontitis and type II diabetes

The prevalence of type 2 diabetes in patients with schizophrenia is about one-third higher than in the general population.

This prospective cohort study included 1331 58–72-year old men from Northern Ireland suggests an association between moderate to severe periodontitis and type II diabetes.

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Oral Health in nursing homes: education for staff and residents

All the evidence relates to care homes and there is hardly any evidence for any other setting.

9 trials were included in this Cochrane review of oral health education & training for care home residents & staff . These trials provided insufficient evidence from which to draw evidence about the effects of the interventions so more high quality studies are needed.

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Bipolar disorder in older men linked to increased risk of dementia


Elena Marcus presents a recent study that shows how older Australian men with bipolar disorder have an increased risk of dementia and early death.

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Dementia in Down syndrome: Are we ready for a clinical trial?


Leen Vereenooghe summarises the TOP-COG study (Towards Onset Prevention of COGnitive decline in adults with Down syndrome). This pilot RCT highlights the need to educate people with learning disabilities and their carers about the importance of research participation.

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Mandibular implant overdentures: effect on nutritional status may be limited

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This review considered the effect of mandibular implant overdentures on the nutrition and nutritional status of older adults. Six small studies were included, overdentures were not seen to have an effect on BMI, albumin or vitamin B12 six months
 after treatment.

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Oral Health should have same priority as general health in care homes says NICE

Quality of life measures are one way of finding out how people are feeling about and experiencing their new life in a care home.

This new guidance from NICE focuses on improving and maintaining residents’ day-to-day oral healthcare, ensuring staff are properly trained to confidently look after the oral health needs of residents, and there is adequate access to dental services when needed

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Dentures: 1 or 2 step impressions?

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This review compare single step impressions verses two step impression techniques for complete denture construction. 7 RCTs were included and they suggests that a two step approach is not necessary for technical quality, user satisfaction or quality of life.

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Trigeminal neuralgia: is botulinum toxin effective?

Behavioural signs such as grimacing, guarding, resistance to care, pacing/rocking etc will give clues to the fact that a person with dementia is in pain

Six small RCTs were included in this review. Findings suggest that botulinum toxin type A (BoTN-A) has a positive effect on post treatment pain. Hover the results should be interpreted cautiously as the quality of the evidence is limited and more high quality studies are needed.

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