This Cochrane review of drugs for the prevention of radiation-induced salivary gland dysfunction included 39 studies, while a range of agents was tested the evidence found is not sufficient to highlight much promise in terms of effective preventative treatments.
[read the full story...]Results: 196
For: older adultToothbrushing: Are three heads better than one?
This review of the effectiveness of 3-headed toothbrushes included 15 studies describing 18 comparisons. The quality of the available evidence was low an no differences were seen with self-performed brushing but a benefit was suggested for plaque removal for care-dependent individuals.
[read the full story...]Oral care in nursing homes
Mark-Steven Howe takes a look at a review evaluating the effectiveness of strategies that nursing home care providers can apply to impove the uptake and delivery of oral care in nursing homes
[read the full story...]Burning mouth syndrome: limited evidence for treatments
Twenty two RCTs were identified for this review of treatments for burning mouth syndrome. A broad range of therapies were included but they provide limited evidence to support or refute the therapies. More high quality appropriately powered are studies are needed using standard outcomes measures.
[read the full story...]My watch knows when I’m anhedonic: wearable technology and social functioning in older adults with depression
Dave Steele explores a recent literature review about the impact and measurement of social dysfunction in late life depression, which focuses on how wearable technology can be used to measure and support social functioning in older adults.
[read the full story...]Denture stomatitis: some evidence for nystatin and disinfecting agents
This review of interventions for the management of denture stomatitis identified 35 RCTs. A majority of the RCTs were at high risk of bias. The findings suggest that nystatin and disinfecting agents have a positive effect but the results should be viewed cautiously because of the quality of the available evidence
[read the full story...]‘All-on-4®’ treatment concept: current evidence limited
This systematic review of the ‘All-on-4®’ concept for fixed full arch restoration includes 24 studies of limited quality is considered here by Mark-Steven Howe.
[read the full story...]Extra-oral implants: barclips versus magnets
Mark Steven Howe considers this review of extra-oral implant retention. 12 mainly retrospective studies were included providing limited data from which to drawn conclusions regarding the best retention system.
[read the full story...]Complete overdentures retained by mini implants.
Mark-Steven Howe looks at a review of complete overdentures supported on mini-implants. Although 24 studies are included the majority are small and short term so while good overall overdenture survival was seen the results should be interpreted with caution.
[read the full story...]Oral Health in people with dementia
This review of oral health in older people with dementia included 37 mainly observational studies of limited quality. The findings suggest that oral health was generally poorer in those with dementia.
[read the full story...]