Bruce McClure’s blog looks at a feasibility study of ‘LifeFul’, a reablement programme in the care home context.
[read the full story...]Results: 196
For: older adultThe benefits and challenges of involving older people in health and social care research: a systematic review
Caroline Struthers considers a systematic review about the impacts of older people’s patient and public involvement in health and social care research.
[read the full story...]Implant overdentures: effectiveness of attachment systems
6 RCTs were included in this Cochrane review of attachment systems for implant overdentures. The included studies provide insufficient evidence of relative effectiveness of prosthodontic success, prosthodontic maintenance, patient satisfaction, patient preference or costs.
[read the full story...]Oral care for nursing home residents
This Cochrane review of the effects of oral care on prevention of nursing home acquired pneumonia included 4 RCTs providing low quality evidence that oral care may reduce mortality.
[read the full story...]Antibiotics and toothache
Only 2 RCTs are included in this Cochrane review update of the effects of systemic antibiotics on adults with symptomatic apical periodontitis or acute apical abscess providing insufficient evidence of effectiveness.
[read the full story...]Temporomandibular disorders: Prevalence of psychosocial impairment
This review assessing the level of psychosocial impairment in patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMD) included 14 observational studies . The studies suggest that psychological disorders and psychosocial impairment are common in patients with TMD but the evidence is of low quality.
[read the full story...]Partial edentulism: The effect of prosthetic treatments on oral health-related quality of life
23 studies were included in this review assessing the oral health-related quality of life (OHR- QoL ) of patients with partial edentulism after different dental prosthetic treatments. Both fixed tooth-supported and implant-supported dental prostheses improved OHR- QoL in the short and medium term.
[read the full story...]Vital pulp treatments in mature molars
4 different vital pulp treatments for deep caries management of mature permanent molars were tested in this stud .The findings suggest that these techniques could be used but other approaches are available.
[read the full story...]Overdenture attachments systems: splinted or unsplinted?
9 studies were included in this review of the effect of splinted or unsplinted overdenture attachment system on clinical outcomes. The findings suggest no difference however, the quality of the evidence is limited.
[read the full story...]