Results: 197

For: older adult

Is behavioural activation cost-effective for depression in older adults?


Olga Lainidi summarises a recently Dutch RCT which asks: is behavioural activation a more cost-effective and accessible alternative to primary care treatments for older adults with depression?

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Shorter sleep and depression: what role do our genes play?


Nick Donnelly discusses how one’s genetic predisposition to shorter sleep is associated with the onset of depression in older adults.

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Cannabis use and its legalisation: analysing chronic pain in US veterans using electronic health records

American Soldiers and US Flag. US troops

In their debut blog, Grace Williamson and Daniel Leightley review a US study on chronic pain, cannabis legalisation, and cannabis use disorder in US veterans.

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Sex differences in dementia risk and risk factors


In a joint blog, Dr Esha Abrol and Dr Clara Belessiotis-Richards critique this individual participant meta-analysis on sex differences in dementia risk and risk factors.

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Menopause in the workplace revisited: A feminist perspective and a visit to the Employment Tribunal (ET)

If you go down to the woods today, you’ll find us discussing the last of our World Menopause Day 2023 papers

For the last in our World Menopause Day 2023 series, we are combining a paper and some recent case law, to think about some of the things that have been discussed this week through these blog posts.

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Can hearing interventions slow down cognitive decline?


In this blog, Daisy Long and the elf apprentices that took part in the woodland workshop undertook a group critical analysis on Lin, F.R., Pike, J.R., Albert. M.S., Arnold, M., Burgard, S., Chisolm, T. & others (2023) paper on Hearing intervention versus health education control to reduce cognitive decline in older adults with hearing loss in the USA (ACHIEVE): a multi-centre, randomized controlled trial.

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Children vs dependent older people – facilitators and barriers to providing oral hygiene


In this their latest blog Gemma Gaw, Suzy Harkness, Emma O’Donnell Scottish Specialty Registrars in Special Care Dentistry look at a review comparing barriers and facilitators to providing oral health measures for both children and dependent older adults.

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Online psychodrama for dementia: “Zooming” our way towards improvement?


KCL Masters student Azza Elsheikh summarises a recent qualitative study exploring the experiences of online psychodrama for people with dementia.

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Tools for measuring oral health and orofacial pain in dependent adults

This study is the first of its kind from an RCT perspective which clearly shows that treating major depression in older adults using interventions in primary care settings can extend life

A group of Scottish Specialty Registrars in Special Care Dentistry look at a recent review of available measurement tools for assessing oral health and orofacial pain in dependent adults, which can be used by the non-dental caregivers. Nine tools were identified and despite a lack of comprehensive testing a number demonstrate reliability and validity.

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Effervescent tablets for cleaning removable dentures

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This eview of the effectiveness of effervescent tablets in the cleaning and sanitising of removable prostheses included 23 RCTs. Six RCTs contributed to meta-analyses which indicate that use of brushing and effervescent tables reduce biofilm and bacterial conts more than brushing alone.

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