The Department of Health has commissioned the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) to produce two reports on adult safeguarding:
1. Governance of adult safeguarding
The research for this report explored the governance arrangements for safeguarding adults. Drawing on a systematic review of the literature, workshops attended by safeguarding specialists, a survey of Safeguarding Adults Boards’ documentation, key informant interviews and data from regional and national safeguarding work programmes, the findings focus on five key features of Safeguarding Adults Boards.
The governance of adult safeguarding: findings from research into Safeguarding Adults Boards (PDF). SCIE report 45, Sep 2011.
2. Self-neglect and adult safeguarding
This report comprised a scoping study of the concept of self-neglect as defined in the literature and interpreted in adult safeguarding practice. The report draws on a systematic review of the literature, workshops with senior managers and practitioners in specialist safeguarding roles, a focus group with adult social care practitioners and interviews with key informants.
Self-neglect and adult safeguarding: findings from research (PDF). SCIE report 46, Sep 2011.