later life

People aged 55 and over. The elderly men and women in the population. Old people who may be retired and suffering from chronic disease

Our later life Blogs

Involving older people in commissioning: more power to their elbow?


This study of older people’s wishes and experiences of commissioning health and personal care services published by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation was conducted by researchers from the London School of Economics. Key aims of the research: The aim was to understand how far, and with what effect, older people were involved in commissioning: 1. to [read the full story…]

Antidepressants may be less effective in older patients with depression, according to new meta-analysis


Following on from my post yesterday about screening tools for depression in later life, here is a new meta-analysis that explores the efficacy of antidepressants for the treatment of major depressive disorder (MDD) in patients aged ≥ 55 years. The researchers from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia in Italy just searched PubMed for [read the full story…]

The Geriatric Depression Scale is the best screening tool for depression in older people in acute hospital settings


Depression often occurs in later life and people in poor physical condition tend to be more susceptible than others. Older people in hospital who get depressed have poorer outcomes, so it’s important that we know how to detect depression and manage it in the acute setting. This systematic review conducted by researchers in Swansea set [read the full story…]

New RCT suggests memantine is not an effective treatment for dementia in people with Down syndrome


Our colleagues at the Mental Elf  found this small randomised controlled trial looking at the use of memantine for people with Down syndrome and dementia. The trial is being reported in the Lancet. People with Down’s syndrome are more likely to develop dementia than others and one in three will have the illness as early [read the full story…]

Audit Commission reports on improving value for money across health and social care

For all the focus on joint working across the NHS and social care in recent years progress has been patchy. The Audit Commission has identified that PCTs could improve outcomes and achieve £132 million in efficiency savings per year.  This readable briefing for health and social care commissioners focuses on services for older people with [read the full story…]

Mental health problems and colon cancer: a double-whammy that leads to poor cancer outcomes


We know that mental health problems often go hand in hand with other physical health complaints. Older adults with cancer and mental health issues are especially vulnerable as they tend to suffer from behavioural, socio-economic and biological changes that act as barriers to effective healthcare. This retrospective cohort study conducted by researchers from the University [read the full story…]

Significant improvements needed to care for people with dementia in hospital, says national clinical audit


The first full report of the National Audit of Dementia has identified a need for significant improvements in hospital ward environments, staff training and the overall approach to care delivery for patients with dementia. Although the majority of wards meet basic safety requirements, the audit shows that many had not addressed simple measures that could [read the full story…]

Women who suffer physical and sexual abuse continue to report significant levels of PTSD well into older adulthood


Women who have survived physical or sexual abuse may continue to experience post traumatic stress disorder and other mental health complaints well into later life, according to a new study published in the Journal of Women’s Health. Researchers from Connecticut conducted this systematic review which involved finding what they call ’empirical studies’ from the last [read the full story…]

Norwegian study suggests users of senior centres would welcome inclusion of older people with learning disabilities

our voice

Inclusion sits at the heart of policy relating to the support of people with learning disabilities. This Norwegian study set out to look at some practical implications of this in relation to providing support to older people with learning disabilities, in particular the views and attitudes of people using ‘senior centres’ in Norway to the [read the full story…]

The safety and risks of antidepressant treatment in older people: new large UK cohort study


The aim of this study was to establish the relative safety and balance of risks for antidepressant treatment in older people. The cohort study included 60,746 patients aged 65 years and over diagnosed with depression. The study was based in 570 general practices in the UK supplying data to the QResearch database. The study objectives [read the full story…]