Results: 167

For: hospital admissions

Waiting for the verdict: service user experiences of Mental Health Act assessment


Elena Opie considers a qualitative study exploring the experiences of vulnerable individuals being assessed under the Mental Health Act.

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ICU survivors at increased risk of suicide and self-harm after discharge

Hands holding yellow gold ribbon over blue sky, Sarcoma Awareness, Bone cancer, childhood cancer awareness, September yellow, World Suicide Prevention Day, endometriosis day concept

Charlotte Huggett reviews a recent Canadian population-based cohort study, which examines rates of suicide and self-harm in adult survivors of critical illness.

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Inpatient care: identifying factors that influence the length of stay


In her debut blog, Sophia Pillai looks at a recent retrospective case-cohort study on patient and service-level factors affecting the length of inpatient stay in an acute mental health service.

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Hospital presentations for self-harm: a window of opportunity to prevent or treat psychosis and bipolar disorder

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Alison Clarke and Jo Robinson review a Finnish cohort study which suggests that hospital presentations for self-harm represent a clear opportunity for the identification and subsequent treatment of psychosis and bipolar disorder.

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Involuntary psychiatric hospitalisation in children and young people: who is at higher risk?


Alice Wickersham summarises a recent review exploring the clinical and social factors associated with involuntary psychiatric hospitalisation. The review finds that intellectual disability, psychosis, risk of harm to self and/or others, Black ethnicity, and older adolescence were strong predictors of involuntary versus voluntary hospitalisation in children and young people.

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Acute care provision in general hospitals for people diagnosed with personality disorder

Hospital corridor and doctor as a blurred defocused background

Kate Chartres summarises a recent mixed-methods study of the healthcare received by patients diagnosed with a personality disorder on acute general hospital wards.

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Place of safety in psychiatry: mental health staff perspectives


Zuva Dengu summarises a recent mixed-methods study on mental health staff experiences of occupational wellbeing in a psychiatric place of safety service.

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‘The Expert’ and ‘The Patient’: analysing Parliamentary debates on the 2007 Mental Health Act


Alison Faulkner writes about a discourse analysis of the House of Commons’ debates regarding the 2007 Mental Health Act, which is very relevant to the current White Paper consultation on the Reform of the Mental Health Act.

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The experiences of ambulance workers and paramedics implementing the Mental Health Act


Charlotte Steel and Camilla Biggs review a qualitative study on emergency workers’ experiences of the use of section 136 of the Mental Health Act 1983.

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Migration and the increased risk of compulsory psychiatric admission for psychosis


Zuva Dengu summarises a recent Swedish cohort study exploring migrant status and risk of compulsory admission at first diagnosis of psychotic disorder, which suggests that where you are from will influence your experience within psychiatric care.

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