Results: 167

For: hospital admissions

From subject to cause: can patients’ circumstances predict the use of coercion in psychiatric hospital admissions?


Nima Cas Hunt explores a recent research study carried out at a mental health hospital in Switzerland, which tries to predict coercion during the course of psychiatric hospitalisations.

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Clinical severity and instability as predictors for psychiatric hospitalisation: can one size fit all? 


Florian Walter summarises a retrospective cohort study published in The Lancet Psychiatry that investigates whether early trajectories of clinical global impression severity can transdiagnostically predict later psychiatric hospitalisation.

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Are Discharge to Assess services delivering on their promise?


Daisy Long reviews E.W Gadsby, G Wistow & J Billings article A critical systems evaluation of the introduction of a ‘discharge to assess’ service in Kent

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What’s the relationship between stressful life events and psychosis?


Kris Deering considers a 2-year prospective observational study published in the Lancet Psychiatry which found strong links between stressful life events and relapse in first-episode psychosis.

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Mapping the trajectory of psychiatric diagnoses: Danish study finds that mental health diagnoses may change over time


In her latest blog, Dona Matthews summarises a recent publication in The Lancet Psychiatry, which mapped the psychiatric diagnostic trajectories of 184,949 Danish patients over a 10-year period.

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Trans and gender diverse youth more likely to be admitted to hospital for suicidality and self-harm, according to US study


Sarah Carr reflects on a recent US study that “perhaps tells us something deeper about the discrimination and stigmatisation in mental health that needs to be tackled.”

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Intensive home treatment in crisis: a randomised controlled trial from the Netherlands


Lucy Maconick and Sonia Johnson appraise a recent trial conducted in Amsterdam, which finds that intensive home treatment substantially reduces the use of hospital beds in acute psychiatry, without compromising patient safety.

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Peer support does not reduce hospital readmissions: the final word?


Danielle Lamb reviews a recent large randomised controlled trial on peer support for discharge from inpatient mental health care versus care as usual in England (the ENRICH study).

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Psychiatric Advance Directives: more effective when facilitated by peer workers, according to French RCT


Rob Allison considers a French randomised controlled trial, which provides support for the use of peer worker–facilitated psychiatric advance directives to prevent compulsory rehospitalisation in people with severe mental illness.

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Is High Intensity Interval Training a HIIT for psychiatric inpatients?


Suzy Ker and Garry Tew consider a qualitative study exploring patient, carer and staff perspectives on implementing High Intensity Interval Training for service users in inpatient mental health settings.

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