Results: 167

For: hospital admissions

NHS Atlas for children and young people highlights sevenfold variation in mental heath inpatient admissions


Following on from the recent publication of the DH Atlas of Variation in Healthcare, Right Care have now released the equivalent atlas for children and young people. The document and the online interactive atlas present variations across the breadth of child health services provided by NHS England. The aim is to highlight unwarranted variations that [read the full story…]

Children who have lived in care homes are at greater risk of suicide


There is remarkably little research in this field. Epidemiological studies of suicidal behaviour in children and young people from the care system have previously come mainly from Scandinavia. A Swedish longitudinal national cohort study (ref 2) from last year concluded that every seventh girl (14%) who left long-term foster family care after age 17 was [read the full story…]

An integrated approach to mental and physical health could save the NHS billions, says new report from the King’s Fund


People with long-term conditions, such as diabetes or heart disease, are two to three times more likely to experience mental health problems than the general population. However, a systemic failure to identify these problems and provide effective support is resulting in poorer outcomes for patients and could be costing the NHS billions, says a report [read the full story…]

13 screening instruments for detecting illicit drug use in general hospital settings: a systematic review


Cross sectional studies (Mordal et al) tell us that around a third of patients admitted to acute psychiatric wards have illicit drugs detected in their system on admission. A third of patients also report a need for professional help in relation to their substance use. This new systematic review from researchers at York University (Mdege [read the full story…]

NHS publish latest version of the Mental Health Minimum Dataset


This fifth annual report on NHS adult specialist mental health services in England and the people who use them covers five years with the most recent information for 2010/11. It covers hospital care and services delivered in the community. This year, for the first time, data from a small number of NHS funded independent sector [read the full story…]

NHS drug misuse report shows increase in hospital admissions for drug related disorders

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The NHS Information Centre have published their annual statistical report presenting information on drug misuse among both adults and children, which this year has a focus on young adults. The bulletin also summarises Government plans and targets in this area, as well as providing sources of further information and links to relevant documents. The topics [read the full story…]

Quality of life measures show improvements for people with complex needs leaving hospital


National policy inĀ England has seen people with learning disabilities who were once residents of long stay hospitals move into community services. There have been many evaluations of these moves, locally and nationally. The authors of this study were interested in measurable factors such as quality of life and mortality. They looked at 521 adults with [read the full story…]

The causes of aggression and violence in psychiatric settings: new systematic review

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Despite what you read in the tabloid press, the vast majority of people with mental health problems are not violent. However, when violence does occur in hospitals, it’s important that healthcare professionals know how to manage the situation. This new systematic review has been conducted by a team of Italian researchers who searched a range [read the full story…]

Number of people held under the Mental Health Act rises by 5%

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New figures from the NHS Information Centre show that the number of people held in detention under the Mental Health Act at 31st March 2011 increased by 5%, from 19,947 in 2009/10 to 20,938 in 2010/11. This is despite the number of formal admissions for treatment and new Community Treatment Orders having fallen since the [read the full story…]

Review highlights experiences of mental health services by people with learning disabilities

Self-reported stigma was positively associated with psychological distress

The organisation of mental health services for people with learning disabilities, particularly issues relating to inpatient care remains an important area for research. This review of the literature set out to identify recent findings. The review found that people with learning disabilities appeared to be admitted with more severe problems and also received more interventions [read the full story…]