Results: 167

For: hospital admissions

Combination of clinical and managerial expertise transform local healthcare, case studies demonstrate

Three trees, shaped as heads, during different seasons

This collection of case studies is aimed at all people involved in the development and delivery of quality health services, in particular, commissioners, local authorities, voluntary sectors, and health professionals in all settings, including primary and secondary care. Some of the CCGs are also working with organisations from the retail sector, for example John Lewis. [read the full story…]

Exploration of views of resident in-patients with learning disabilities identifies key themes


Background Offering choice to patients is at the heart of the NHS, supported by a set of legal rights (see the Choice Framework) and patient led assessments of care environments have been introduced  (PLACE) applying to hospitals, hospices and day treatment centres providing NHS funded care. At present this covers only care environments, not clinical care [read the full story…]

Liaison Psychiatry for all!!


When I am not being an elf, I am very proud to work within Liaison Psychiatry and to be actively developing Liaison services across Kent and Medway. For those of you who haven’t come across Liaison before,  we work within the overlapping area between physical health and mental health, so dealing with physical health problems and [read the full story…]

CQC still concerned about lack of understanding of Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards


Background Last week, we posted about the BIDs research, which provided a great deal of insight into the current approach to making best interests decisions under the Mental Capacity Act (2005). The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) were introduced into the act and came into force in 2009 to ensure that where people who may [read the full story…]

Audit of impact of relaxation and sensory activities in assessment and treatment service for people with learning disabilities


Background The debate about the place of assessment and treatment beds for adults with learning disabilities continues. The Royal College of Psychiatrists recently published a paper as part of the response to the events at Winterbourne View which set out its view of the need for a range of in-patient services which included acute admission [read the full story…]

Effective diabetes service models should be commissioned to reduce diabetes admissions

Sphere full of words to do with diabetes and health care.

This document is aimed at clinical commissioning groups, health care planners, hospital senior managers, and clinical teams in primary and secondary care. It is an amalgamation of good practice examples where diabetes services have improved, with bed occupancy and costs being reduced. There is a specific focus on elderly, diabetic patients, and other similarly vulnerable [read the full story…]

New NICE guidance recommends that all NHS hospitals and clinics become completely smoke-free


Over 40% of all cigarettes smoked in England are smoked by people with severe mental illnesses. This group are more likely to become physically ill than the rest of the population, but they are less likely to be given help to quit. Smoking is especially common among people with mental health problems: whilst 1 in [read the full story…]

Research suggests economic model for virtual wards not viable on hospital activity alone

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This new report is an important addition to the evidence base specifically on case management and more generally in terms of interventions to reduce hospital admissions but, consistent with other studies in this area, can’t give definitive answers.  Much of what already exists in relation to virtual wards is anecdotal or lacks detail and it’s [read the full story…]

Music therapy is a hit with the patients, but not in the results

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In the Woodland we all enjoy a good sing-a-long, but can this actually be therapeutic? Music therapy has a growing database with regards to its use in helping to treat a variety of mental health disorders. It is thought of as a systematic intervention that uses music experiences (active or receptive) and the relationships that [read the full story…]

Healthcare for people with learning disabilities DH progress report and consultation

six lives progress

The Six Lives report in 2009 investigated the provision of public services to people with learning disabilities following the deaths of the six people with learning disabilities highlighted in Mencap’s Death by Indifference report. The Department of Health in its response committed to providing progress reports on the recommendations and this report has been recently [read the full story…]